A set of custom routing patches to alllow Lisa Park to use several EEG headsets with Max/MSP. Also includes some patches for audio playback and routing, to be later broken out into a separate package. WHERE TO STORE Applications/Max 6.1/packages/LisaPark where LisaPark can be replaced with another package name if desired REQUIREMENTS CNMAT externals for OSC-route http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/downloads Appropriate drivers for the desired headset (see below) Tested on OSX 10.9.5 and 10.10 with Max 6.1 HEADSET INFO - Muse documentation is here: http://developer.choosemuse.com/ - Muse software is here: http://www.choosemuse.com/developer-kit/ > Neurosky’s developer site is here: http://developer.neurosky.com/ > Neurosky patches rely on this Braingrapher app, hacked to provide data over OSC http://store.neurosky.com/products/processing-brain-grapher = Epoc documentation is here: https://emotiv.com/epoc.php FOLDER STRUCTURE - Actual patchers are stored in ‘Patchers’ - Bpatchers with the graphic interfaces/presentation modes of each patcher are stored in ‘clippings’ to be able to be easily imported into Max projects from clippings menus. FILE NAMING 'Epcoh.' patchers refer to Emotive Epoc, should be stored in 'clippings->LisaPark->Epoch' 'Neurosky.' patchers refer to Neurosky MindWave Mobile, should be stored in 'clippings->LisaPark->Neurosky' ‘Muse.’ patchers refer to the Muse headset, should be stored in 'clippings->LisaPark->Muse’ MINOR VERSIONS ver 0 - start ver 1 - working ver 2 - updated ver 3 - consolidating Lisa's edits ver 4 - new fonts on OSC clippings ver 5 - added sample playback ver 6 - adding Muse functionality
Custom Max MSP package to route data from Neurosky Mindwave Mobile, Emotiv Epoc and Muse headsets into Max