
Will display an iOS style passcode screen. Utilizes RxSwift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


This simple project will display an iOS style passcode screen. There are many passcode projects out there, but I wanted to write my own to:

  1. Learn Functional reactive programming
  2. Be maintainable peice of code, many other libraries are old and lots more lines of code
  3. To install, run pod install and open the app
  4. Does not include Touch ID support
  5. Default passcode is 1234

The Passcode presentation has 3 scenarios:

  1. Validate passcode
  2. After 3 tries, the presentation will call back to didFailAllPasscodeAttempts
  3. Set new passcode
  4. enter passcode twice
  5. Change existing passcode (Which amounts to Validate => Set new)
  6. validate existing passcode
  7. set new passcode

RxSwift: The reactive programming library: https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift
