
array-based command injection examples

Array-based Command Injection

In some circumstances, software will call an external command using a function like execve, which takes an array instead of a string passed to /bin/sh. Sometimes, software assumes that because the command is not passed to a shell, it is safe to include user input in the array. However, there are several examples of commands that, when given arbitrary arguments via array, can still grant command injection. This happens if the external command uses an argument to make a call to another external command.

For example, some versions of tar include the argument --checkpoint-action, which can be given the value --checkpoint-action=exec=COMMAND where COMMAND is an arbitrary external command.

This repository attempts to document cases of array-based command injection and give examples and constraints in various environments.

A more comprehensive list of binaries with specific capabilities (e.g. network, file write, etc.) may be found at https://gtfobins.github.io/.