
Bootstrap SelectPicker easy to implement for Vue Developers.

Primary LanguageVue

Vue Select Picker

It's for VueJs developers for rendering selectpicker in components.


npm i vue-select-picker-bootstrap



prop type Default Description
defaultTitle String Nothing Selected Title as showing default on selectbox.
searchable Boolean false Options search functionality.
disabled Boolean false For disabling selectbox.
searchPlaceholder String Search Placeholder on search text field.
searchNotFound String No results matched When option not found after search.
addClass String null Add extra class for style or any other purpose if needed.

Basic Example Code:

import VSelect from "@/vue-select-picker-bootstrap";
export default {
  name: "App",
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      countries: [
        { value: 1, text: "Pakistan" },
        { value: 2, text: "China" },
        { value: 3, text: "Bangladesh" },
        { value: 4, text: "USA" },
        { value: 5, text: "Australia" },
      selected: {value: null},

For Default Selection: Example (Bangladesh will be default selected)

export default {
  name: "App",
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      countries: [
        { value: 1, text: "Pakistan" },
        { value: 2, text: "China" },
        { value: 3, text: "Bangladesh" },
        { value: 4, text: "USA" },
        { value: 5, text: "Australia" },
      selected: {value: 3},

Html is supported in items text for passing icon/images or something related to html.


import VSelect from "@/vue-select-picker-bootstrap";
export default {
  name: "App",
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      stateOptions: [
        { value: 1, text: "<i class='fa fa-circle' style='color:green;'></i> Enable" },
        { value: 0, text: "<i class='fa fa-circle' style='color:red;'></i> Disabled" },
      selected: {value: 0},