
simple chat application implemented in Python using a server-client architecture with groups and channels

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Chat App with Group and Channel Functionalities

This is a simple chat application implemented in Python using a server-client architecture. The app allows users to create groups, join groups, leave groups, create channels, join channels, leave channels, and send messages to groups and channels.


  • Server-Client Architecture: The app is built using a client-server model where multiple clients can connect to a central server.
  • End-to-End Encryption: Messages sent between clients and the server are encrypted using base64.
  • Timestamps: Each message is timestamped to indicate when it was sent.
  • Group Management: Users can create groups, join groups, and leave groups. Messages can be sent to specific groups.
  • Channel Management: Users can create channels, join channels, and leave channels. Messages can be sent to specific channels.
  • Simple Command Line Interface (CLI): The app features a simple CLI for user interaction.
  • Usage of Sockets: Sockets are used for communication between clients and the server.





  1. Run chat_server.py on your server machine.
  2. Run chat_client.py on different client machines or multiple times on the same machine.
  3. Enter a username for each client.
  4. Use commands to create groups, join groups, leave groups, create channels, join channels, leave channels, and send messages to groups and channels.

Group Commands

  • /groupcreate group_name: Creates a new group.
  • /groupjoin group_name: Joins an existing group.
  • /groupleave group_name: Leaves a group.

Channel Commands

  • /channelcreate channel_name: Creates a new channel.
  • /channeljoin channel_name: Joins an existing channel.
  • /channelleave channel_name: Leaves a channel.

Sending Messages

  • To send a message to a group: /group group_name message
  • To send a message to a channel: /channel channel_name message


  • Python 3.x


This chat application is a simplified example intended for educational purposes. It may not be suitable for use in production environments. Use at your own risk.