Uplift-NodeJS - Learning-Path

Follow the links to the resources. If multiple videos/links are provided for the same topic, choose the ones that suits you.

1. Javascript essentials:

2. Intro to NodeJS

3. Nodejs modules

4. Custom nodejs modules

5. NPM package

6. Server introduction

7. Web app in nodejs (with inbuilt modules)

8. Web app with Express.

  • Crash course (Module 2-8)
  • Serving HTML
  • Templating engines.
  • Serving JSON data.
  • Middlewares.
  • GET/POST/… req
  • Request body
  • Query & Params
  • Error handling

9. Connecting Database with Express

  • What and why of DB
  • Types of DB
  • Connecting with MongoDB
  • CRUD Operating with MongoDB
  • What is ORM
  • Using Mongoose ORM in MongoDB
  • Model View Controllers
  • Relations in MongoDB

10. Validation and sanatization

  • Why do we need it
  • Validating data
  • Sanatizing data

11. Authentication

  • Sessions
  • CSRF token and why to use it?
  • JWT

12. Misc.

  • File uploads
  • Socket io
  • Testing
  • FIle download