
DSA Mentorship UPLIFT Project - Helping students to hone their DSA skills


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WEEK 1 - Arrays

  • Practice Questions:
  1. Find 2 elements with given sum
  2. Majority Element
  3. Find the number occuring odd number of times
  4. Merge an array of size n into another of size m + n
  5. Rotate an array
  6. Leaders in an array
  7. Majority element in sorted array
  8. Segregate 0s and 1s in an array
  9. Product array
  10. Find 2 repeating elements
  11. Find duplicates in O(n) time and O(1) space
  12. Linked list vs Array
  13. Find the smallest missing number
  14. Find max j-i such that arr[j] > arr[i]
  15. Find subarray with given sum
  16. Find the smallest positive number missing from an unsorted array
  17. Find 2 numbers with odd occurence
  18. Largest subarray with equal number of 0s and 1s
  19. Replace every element with the greatest on right side
  20. Stock buy sell to maximize profit
  21. Find common elements in 3 sorted arrays
  22. Nuts and bolts problem
  23. Trapping rain water
  24. Merge 2 sorted arrays in O(1) space


  • Practice Questions:
  1. Remove duplicates from string
  2. Remove characters from the first string which are present in the second string
  3. Check if strings are rotations of each other
  4. Print all permutations of a given string
  5. Reverse words in a given string
  6. Find the smallest window in a string containing all the characters of the second string
  7. Check whether two strings are anagrams of each other
  8. Write your own atoi()
  9. Rearrange a string so that similar characters become d distance away
  10. Longest Common Subsequence
  11. Find excel column name from a given column number


  • Practice Questions:
  1. Get Nth node in a linked list
  2. Delete a node given a pointer to it
  3. Print middle
  4. Find Nth node from the end
  5. Delete linked list
  6. Reverse linked list
  7. Detect loop in a linked list
  8. Check if a singly linked list is a palindrome
  9. Clone a linked list with next and random pointer
  10. Memory efficient doubly linked list
  11. Insert in sorted linked list
  12. Get intersection point of 2 linked lists
  13. Print reverse of a linked list
  14. Remove duplicates from sorted linked list
  15. Remove duplicates from unsorted linked list
  16. Reverse doubly linked list
  17. Merge 2 sorted linked lists
  18. Merge sort for linked lists
  19. Reverse a linked list in groups of given size
  20. Linked list vs Array
  21. Sorted insert for circular linked list
  22. Detect and remove loop in a linked list
  23. XOR linked list
  24. Add 2 numbers represented by linked lists
  25. Write C functions that modify head pointer of linked list
  26. Sorted linked list to balanced BST
  27. Sorted DLL to BST
  28. XOR linked list | Set 2
  29. Flatten a linked list
  30. Add 2 numbers represented by linked lists | Set 2
  31. Flatten a multilevel linked list
    (Geeks solution has a bug. They are not doing cur->child = NULL after appending it to the tail->next. Looks like there is another bug. In the end we need to check for the child of tail node also i.e child of node 15 in the given case.The loop termination condition should not be cur!=tail. It should be cur!!=NULL. You better see this solution instead )
  32. Clone a linked list with next and random pointer | Set 2


  • Practice Questions:
  1. Recursive Tree Traversals
  2. Calculate size of tree
  3. Check if two trees are identical
  4. Height of tree
  5. Delete a tree
  6. Convert a binary tree to its mirror tree
  7. Given two traversal sequences, construct the binary tree
  8. Print all root to leaf paths in a binary tree
  9. Lowest common ancestor in BST
  10. Level order traversal
  11. Count leaf nodes
  12. Spiral level order traversal
  13. Diameter of tree
  14. Inorder traversal without recursion
  15. Root to leaf path sum equal to given number
  16. Construct tree from inorder and preorder traversal
  17. Print nodes at k distance from root
  18. Applications of tree
  19. Check if a binary tree is a subtree of another binary tree
  20. Find inorder successor for all nodes
  21. Vertical sum in a given binary tree
  22. Maximum sum root to leaf path
  23. Check if a binary tree is complete or not
  24. Iterative preorder traversal
  25. Iterative postorder traversal
  26. Reverse level order traversal
  27. Binary tree to doubly linked list OR Binary tree to double linked list
  28. Find height of tree iteratively
  29. Left view of binary tree
  30. Lowest common ancestor binary tree
  31. Print all nodes at k distance from given node
  32. Right view of binary tree
  33. Check if binary tree is subtree of another binary tree
  34. Print nodes b/w two given levels
  35. Serialize and deserialize a binary tree
  36. Serialize and deserialize an N-ary tree
  37. Expression tree
  38. Check if binary tree is symmetric
  39. Mirror of N-ary tree
  40. Find node with min value in BST
  41. Check if a binary tree is BST
  42. Find kth smallest element in BST
  43. Sorted linked list to balanced BST
  44. Kth largest element in BST
  45. Advantages of BST over hash table
  46. Kth smallest element in BST using O(1) space


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