A SQL DSL in Clojure.
Via Clojars: https://clojars.org/sqlingvo
(refer-clojure :exclude '[distinct group-by])
(use 'sqlingvo.core)
Copy from standard input.
(sql (copy :country []
(from :stdin)))
;=> ["COPY \"country\" FROM STDIN"]
Copy data from a file into the country table.
(sql (copy :country []
(from "/usr1/proj/bray/sql/country_data")))
;=> ["COPY \"country\" FROM ?" "/usr1/proj/bray/sql/country_data"]
Copy data from a file into the country table with columns in the given order.
(sql (copy :country [:id :name]
(from "/usr1/proj/bray/sql/country_data")))
;=> ["COPY \"country\" (\"id\", \"name\") FROM ?" "/usr1/proj/bray/sql/country_data"]
Define a new database table.
(sql (create-table :films
(column :code :char :length 5 :primary-key? true)
(column :title :varchar :length 40 :not-null? true)
(column :did :integer :not-null? true)
(column :date-prod :date)
(column :kind :varchar :length 10)
(column :len :interval)
(column :created-at :timestamp-with-time-zone :not-null? true :default '(now))
(column :updated-at :timestamp-with-time-zone :not-null? true :default '(now))))
;=> ["CREATE TABLE \"films\" ("
;=> "\"code\" CHAR(5) PRIMARY KEY, "
;=> "\"title\" VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, "
;=> "\"did\" INTEGER NOT NULL, "
;=> "\"date_prod\" DATE, "
;=> "\"kind\" VARCHAR(10), "
;=> "\"len\" INTERVAL, "
;=> "\"created_at\" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "
;=> "\"updated_at\" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT now())"]
Clear the table films.
(sql (delete :films))
;=> ["DELETE FROM \"films\""]
Delete all films but musicals.
(sql (delete :films
(where '(<> :kind "Musical"))))
;=> ["DELETE FROM \"films\" WHERE (\"kind\" <> ?)" "Musical"]
Delete completed tasks, returning full details of the deleted rows.
(sql (delete :tasks
(where '(= :status "DONE"))
(returning *)))
;=> ["DELETE FROM \"tasks\" WHERE (\"status\" = ?) RETURNING *" "DONE"]
Insert a single row into table films.
(sql (insert :films []
(values {:code "T_601" :title "Yojimbo" :did 106 :date-prod "1961-06-16" :kind "Drama"})))
;=> ["INSERT INTO \"films\" (\"did\", \"date_prod\", \"kind\", \"title\", \"code\") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
;=> 106 "1961-06-16" "Drama" "Yojimbo" "T_601"]
Insert multiple rows into the table films using the multirow VALUES syntax.
(sql (insert :films []
(values [{:code "B6717" :title "Tampopo" :did 110 :date-prod "1985-02-10" :kind "Comedy"},
{:code "HG120" :title "The Dinner Game" :did 140 :date-prod "1985-02-10":kind "Comedy"}])))
;=> ["INSERT INTO \"films\" (\"did\", \"date_prod\", \"kind\", \"title\", \"code\") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
;=> 110 "1985-02-10" "Comedy" "Tampopo" "B6717" 140 "1985-02-10" "Comedy" "The Dinner Game" "HG120"]
Insert a row consisting entirely of default values.
(sql (insert :films []
(values :default)))
Insert some rows into table films from a table tmp_films with the same column layout as films.
(sql (insert :films []
(select [*]
(from :tmp-films)
(where '(< :date_prod "2004-05-07")))))
;=> ["INSERT INTO \"films\" (SELECT * FROM \"tmp_films\" WHERE (\"date_prod\" < ?))" "2004-05-07"]
Select all films.
(sql (select [*] (from :films)))
;=> ["SELECT * FROM \"films\""]
Select all Comedy films.
(sql (select [*]
(from :films)
(where '(= :kind "Comedy"))))
;=> ["SELECT * FROM \"films\" WHERE (\"kind\" = ?)" "Comedy"]
Retrieve the most recent weather report for each location.
(sql (select (distinct [:location :time :report] :on [:location])
(from :weather-reports)
(order-by :location (desc :time))))
;=> ["SELECT DISTINCT ON (\"location\") \"location\", \"time\", \"report\" FROM \"weather_reports\" ORDER BY \"location\", \"time\" DESC"]
Change the word Drama to Dramatic in the column kind of the table films.
(sql (update :films {:kind "Dramatic"}
(where '(= :kind "Drama"))))
;=> ["UPDATE \"films\" SET \"kind\" = ? WHERE (\"kind\" = ?)" "Dramatic" "Drama"]
The sort expression(s) can be any expression that would be valid in the query's select list.
(sql (select [:a :b]
(from :table-1)
(order-by '(+ :a :b) :c)))
;=> ["SELECT \"a\", \"b\" FROM \"table_1\" ORDER BY (\"a\" + \"b\"), \"c\""]
A sort expression can also be the column label
(sql (select [(as '(+ :a :b) :sum) :c]
(from :table-1)
(order-by :sum)))
;=> ["SELECT \"a\" + \"b\" AS \"sum\", \"c\" FROM \"table_1\" ORDER BY \"sum\""]
or the number of an output column.
(sql (select [:a '(max :b)]
(from :table-1)
(group-by :a)
(order-by 1)))
;=> ["SELECT \"a\", max(\"b\") FROM \"table_1\" GROUP BY \"a\" ORDER BY 1"]
(sql (with [:regional-sales
(select [:region (as '(sum :amount) :total-sales)]
(from :orders)
(group-by :region))
(select [:region]
(from :regional-sales)
(where `(> :total-sales
~(select ['(/ (sum :total-sales) 10)]
(from :regional-sales)))))]
(select [:region :product
(as '(sum :quantity) :product-units)
(as '(sum :amount) :product-sales)]
(from :orders)
(where `(in :region ~(select [:region]
(from :top-regions))))
(group-by :region :product))))
;=> ["WITH regional_sales AS ("
;=> "SELECT \"region\", sum(\"amount\") AS \"total_sales\" "
;=> "FROM \"orders\" GROUP BY \"region\"), "
;=> "top_regions AS ("
;=> "SELECT \"region\" "
;=> "FROM \"regional_sales\" "
;=> "WHERE (\"total_sales\" > (SELECT (sum(\"total_sales\") / 10) FROM \"regional_sales\"))) "
;=> "SELECT \"region\", \"product\", sum(\"quantity\") AS \"product_units\", sum(\"amount\") AS \"product_sales\" "
;=> "FROM \"orders\" "
;=> "WHERE \"region\" IN (SELECT \"region\" "
;=> "FROM \"top_regions\") "
;=> "GROUP BY \"region\", \"product\""]
For more complex examples, look at the tests.
Database vendors use different characters to quote identifiers in SQL
statements. The sql
function uses the default PostgreSQL quoting
strategy if called with one argument.
(sql (select [:continents.id] (from :continents)))
;=> ["SELECT \"continents\".\"id\" FROM \"continents\""]
The quoting strategy can be changed by passing a vendor specification as the first, and the statement as the second argument. The following example uses a quoting strategy for MySQL.
(require '[sqlingvo.vendor :as v])
(sql (v/->mysql) (select [:continents.id] (from :continents)))
;=> ["SELECT `continents`.`id` FROM `continents`"]
For better indentation in clojure-mode add this to your Emacs config.
(lambda ()
(copy 2)
(create-table 1)
(delete 1)
(drop-table 1)
(insert 2)
(select 1)
(truncate 1)
(update 2))))
Copyright © 2012-13 Roman Scherer
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.