
A log of articles and resources that I found interesting

Primary LanguagePython


pyenv virtualenv 3.8.5 reading_pelican_env
pyenv activate reading_pelican_env

Generate site

make html

Generate site with Publish settings

make publish


make devserver

Push site to GitHub pages

make github


We have several categories. Put the article in the related category folder.

Writing an article

Make a new markdown file. Name it using kebab-case naming. The name will show at the URL, i.e., https://ammarasmaro.com/reading-log/article-name.html

Preferrably copy it from another artcile.

Change the title. No two files should contain same title. Title could be just today's date since this is a log.

Change the date to reflect today's date. This is going to be used to determine which articles show first on the site. New comes first.


  • Edit theme
    • Perhaps add vue support
  • Make date be the default title
  • Add Google Tracking to see how it is doing