
Extract reads from kraken quickly and easily

Primary LanguageShell

Extract reads with Seqkit and TaxonKit


The bash script uses TaxonKit to produce a list of taxons to filter, Seqkit to extract the reads, and csvtk for data wrangling. Written for my own purposes.

Use conda to install these:

conda install -c bioconda seqkit taxonkit csvtk


Usage: extract_reads.sh -f sample.r1.fastq.gz -r sample.r2.fastq.gz -t 10240 -k sample.kraken.txt

  -f | --forward_fastq            : R1 fastq.gz file
  -r | --reverse_fastq            : R2 fastq.gz file
  -k | --kraken                   : Kraken output of classified reads
  -t | --taxon                    : NCBI taxon ID
  -j | --threads                  : Number of threads to use
  -h | --help                     : This message

Taxonkit is used to produce a subtree of given TaxIds. For example, given taxonid 10244, this script will extract all reads with the following taxon IDs:

% taxonkit list --ids 10245 --indent '' | tr '\n' ' '

10245 10246 10247 10248 10249 10250 10251 10252 10253 10254 
31531 32605 32606 45417 124313 126794 130665 130666 201444 
262397 301352 332193 350831 350832 397342 467144 502057 691321 
696871 1651169


extract_kraken_reads.py is commonly used to extract reads classified by kraken. Unfortunately for large libraries it can be slow.

This script is designed with speed in mind and not as feature rich as extract_kraken_reads.py.

Planned improvements:

  • Allow user to provide a list of taxons, skipping the need for taxonkit
  • Allow user to specify flags --children or --ancestor