What is buubuu? a simple project to facilitate artists to showcase their work. maybe a little similar to how pixiv works with a few touches to get a different feel in use. This website will be created using golang and nextjs. Why was this project created? basically this only facilitates a place to learn, in other words I provide a case study place for your knowledge that if it has anything to do with the technology stack used.
- Gorm DB connect
- Add migrations function
- Make SMTP features
- Make handler(look down)
- Parse HTML file to handler
- JWT for auth with session expired
- Building dynamic web page (next js, tailwind)
- User validation
- Docker migration
for the handler we need an
-register and login page (give a link for user features if don't have an account to register)
-index page (to see content stuff)
-profile page (have the ability for users to change their data)
-about page (contributor information)
For the first time, please just make a UI/UX first, I will tell you what data section is needed later.