Configuration loader from system environment
ensure that all system environment is set and convert to properly type.
First, add ConfigEnv to your mix.exs dependencies:
def deps do
{:config_env, "~> 0.1.0"}
in config.exs
config :your_app,
string: {:system, "KEY"},
atom: {:system, "ATOM"},
integer: {:system, "INTEGER", :integer},
float: {:system, "FLOAT", :float},
list: {:system, "LIST", :list}
it can be nested
config :your_app,
nested: %{
key: {:system, "KEY"},
another_nested: [
key: {:system, "ANOTHER_KEY"}
put this code before start your app
defmodule YourApp do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
ConfigEnv.load_env([:yourapp, :otherapp, ...])
# your code