
GenStage implementing Pub/Sub

Primary LanguageElixir

Example of GenStage for pub/sub system



First, add HTTPoison to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:ku, "~> 0.1.0"}]

and run $ mix deps.get. Now, list the :ku application as your application dependency:

def application do
  [applications: [:ku]]

## Subscribe a function to a regex pattern
Ku.subscribe ~r/^foo\.bar$/, &MyModule.do_it/1          # Matches only "foo.bar" events.
Ku.subscribe ~r/^foo\.*/, &MyOtherModule.also_do_it/1   # Matches all "foo. ..." events.

Publish a message

Ku.publish routing_key, message_body, optional_metadata

Deliver to both MyModule.do_it/1 & MyOtherModule.also_do_it/1

Ku.publish "foo.bar", %{bar: "baz"}, %{optional: "metadata object"}

Deliver only to MyOtherModule.also_do_it/1

Ku.publish "foo.lala", %{bar: "baz"}, %{optional: "metadata object"}

Deliver to nothing (no matching bindings)

Ku.publish "unhandled_key", %{bar: "baz"}, %{optional: "metadata object"}