
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

How to use the examples in this repo

Istio Examples

Please follow the instructions located here to install Istio.

Once you have Istio installed, you can run the examples.

Simulate trafic with load balancing and locality failover

Simply run simulate-locality-failover.sh or try one by one its commands.

Simulate trafic without circuit breaker enabled

Simply run simulate.sh or try one by one its commands.

Simulate trafic with circuit breaker enabled

Simply run simulate-traffic-with-cb-pattern.sh or try one by one its commands.

Simulate trafic with priority

Simply run simulate-traffic-with-priority-agent.sh or try one by one its commands.

Skupper Example

If you want to try the Skupper examples, please follow these instalation instructions:

Install Skupper

# Windows
curl -fL https://github.com/skupperproject/skupper/releases/download/0.7.0/skupper-cli-0.7.0-windows-amd64.zip
unzip skupper-cli-0.7.0-windows-amd64.zip

mkdir %UserProfile%\bin
move skupper.exe %UserProfile%\bin
set PATH=%PATH%;%UserProfile%\bin

# Linux
curl -fL https://github.com/skupperproject/skupper/releases/download/0.7.0/skupper-cli-0.7.0-linux-amd64.tgz | tar -xzf -
mkdir $HOME/bin
mv skupper $HOME/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin

# MacOs
curl -fL https://github.com/skupperproject/skupper/releases/download/0.7.0/skupper-cli-0.7.0-mac-amd64.tgz | tar -xzf -
mkdir $HOME/bin
mv skupper $HOME/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin

Deploy Services

If you are using minikube as one cluster, run minikube tunnel in a new terminal.

Deploy frontend and backend in BENELUX namespace:

kubectl create ns benelux

kubectl apply -f activity/src/main/k8s/backend-benelux.yml -n benelux
kubectl annotate service activity skupper.io/proxy=http -n benelux
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=benelux
kubectl apply -f hobby/src/main/k8s/frontend.yml -n benelux
skupper init --console-auth unsecured -n benelux
skupper token create token.yaml -t cert

Do a similar installation of backend in the CEE, DACH and UKI namespaces:

kubectl create ns cee

kubectl apply -f activity/src/main/k8s/backend-cee.yml -n cee
kubectl annotate service activity skupper.io/proxy=http -n cee
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=cee
skupper init  -n cee
skupper link create token.yaml


The Java code in the repository is compatible with Java17.


This code is dedicated to the public domain to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, pursuant to CC0.