A Plant Monitor with ESP8266 and Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor and MQTT Broker
RGB LED --> Green = GPIO 2 (D4) / Blue = GPIO 0 (D3) / Red = GPIO 4 (D2)
ESP8266 (Wemos D1 Mini)
Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor V1.2 an A0 Pin from then D1 Mini
When the sensor is started for the first time, the "Captive Portal" is started and the LED lights up "BLUE"
After entering the data, the sensor restarts and the RGB LED lights up as follows:
- Checking the RGB LED --- All three colors flash three times (Red/Blue/Green)
- Establishing WiFi connection RGB LED blinks BLUE/GREEN
- If the WLAN connection is successful and everything is loaded, the RGB LED lights up green --- otherwise RED
- With each measurement, the RGB LED flashes Green once briefly.
Note: If the WLAN connection cannot be established for about 15 minutes, the "Captive Portal" will be started!
A "captive portal" is created when the software is started for the first time. (Name = Plant-Monitor)
Make the appropriate entries here. A website can be opened via the assigned IP address or with the Hostname.
(The Hostname is "Sensorname".local - Example: kitchenplant.local)
Should it ever be necessary to change the WLAN access data and other parameters, this can be
done by a RESET on the website. If this is not possible then simply wait (when WLAN is switched off!)
until the LED lights up only blue and the "Captive Portal" starts again.
The new data can now be entered.
New from version 1.4.0:
new Captive Portal (WiFi-Manager)
bug fix
New from version 1.2.8:
Now with Arduino OTA.
Sketch updates without a USB cable over the network
New from version 1.1.8:
Improved webinterface
bug fix
The webinterface can now be reached with the DNS name. The DNS name is equal to the name of the sensor.
(Example : http://kitchenplant.local)
New from version 1.1.5:
After switching on the sensor, a measurement is taken every 15 seconds to check the values. (Number of measurements: 20 - start mode)
After these 20 measurements, the measurement takes place again at the set interval.
New from version 1.1.2:
The sensor now also works without MQTT (do not specify the MQTT host in the captive portal)
The sensor can now also be calibrated during operation.