
my kitty terminal config (the kitty config for tmux users)

Primary LanguagePython


the kitty config for tmux users

the shortcuts (key bindings) is heavily inspired by Oh my tmux!

mainly used under Linux


# backup your config first
# mv ~/.config/kitty  ~/.config/kitty.bak

git clone https://github.com/ttys3/my-kitty-config.git ~/.config/kitty


key name see https://github.com/xkbcommon/libxkbcommon/blob/master/include/xkbcommon/xkbcommon-keysyms.h

or using kitty --debug-input to detect keysyms


key description
ctrl+a>r reload config
ctrl+a>e reload config
ctrl+a>d debug config


key description
ctrl+a>s save current layout to session file


key description
ctrl+shift+ previus tab
ctrl+shift+ next tab
ctrl+shift+, move tab backward
ctrl+shift+. move tab forward
ctrl+a>, change tab title
ctrl+a>c create new tab
ctrl+a>x close window / tab

os window

key description
ctrl+q quit kitty
f11 toggle fullscreen


key description
ctrl+a>- horizontal split
ctrl+a>\ vertial split
ctrl+a>x close window
ctrl+a>z zoom (maxmize) window
ctrl+shift+r resize window
ctrl+ to left window
ctrl+ to right window
ctrl+ to up window
ctrl+ to down window
ctrl+a>h to left window
ctrl+a>l to right window
ctrl+a>k to up window
ctrl+a>j to down window
shift+ move current window to left
shift+ move current window to right
shift+ move current window to up
shift+ move current window to down
alt+ resize window narrower
alt+ resize window wider
alt+ resize window taller
alt+ resize window shorter
ctrl+home resize window reset


key description
ctrl+= font size +
ctrl+- font size -
ctrl+0 font size reset


key description
ctrl+a>t kitten themes
ctrl+a>space copy pasting with hints like tmux-thumbs
ctrl+a>ctrl+a send real ctrl+a (emacs shortcut Home)

session restore

if you have used ctrl+a>s generate the session, you do not need this.

you can create your session file under ~/.config/kitty, let's say the filename is session.conf

change startup_session none to startup_session session.conf

create session.conf like this:

new_tab home
layout splits
cd ~
launch zsh

new_tab work
cd ~/work
launch zsh

new_tab nvim
cd ~/.config/nvim
launch zsh

new_tab go
cd ~/repo/go
launch zsh

new_tab rust
cd ~/repo/rust
launch zsh

kitty docs

Keyboard shortcuts https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/conf/#keyboard-shortcuts

The launch command syntax reference https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/launch/#syntax-reference