
Docker image to periodically run garbage collection in transmission

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Docker image to periodically run garbage collection in transmission



Configuration is done via environment variables.

Name Default Description
TRANSMISSION_URL http://transmission:9091 The url where transmission is running. Note: The RPC api needs to be available here. We will automatically append the rpc path (/transmission/rpc) to this url.
TRANSMISSION_RPC_PATH /transmission/rpc The path to the RPC api.
TRANSMISSION_USERNAME none The username to access the RPC api. Alternatively mount a netrc file to /root/.netrc.
TRANSMISSION_PASSWORD none The password to access the RPC api. Alternatively mount a netrc file to /root/.netrc.
VERBOSE false Whether or not to verbosely print out data.
RUN_ON_START true Whether or not to run the garbage collection on startup (i.e. before starting up the cron scheduler).
CRON_EXPRESSION 0 * * * * The cron expression for how often to run garbage collection. Defaults to every hour on the hour.
DRY_RUN false When set to true, the RPC call to remove torrents will be skipped.
DELETE_DATA true Whether or not to delete data when removing torrents.


    image: ammmze/transmission-gc:latest
        - TRANSMISSION_URL=https://transmission.example.com
        - TRANSMISSION_USERNAME=my-rpc-user
        - TRANSMISSION_PASSWORD=my-rps-password