
An open-source dataset of ammunition projectile (bullet) information.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

Open Source Projectile Dataset

A community-maintained dataset of ammunition projectile (bullet) information for use by developers, engineers, data scientists, and anyone who might find it useful.


This project is a work-in-progress.

Contributions are very welcome, and encouraged!



npm install projectiles


yarn add projectiles


Coming soon


The following code snippets demonstrate the basics of how to use this library and access the dataset. The goal is merely to provide a thin wrapper around the data to make it quickly and easily accessible in each supported language. A very basic and flat format is intentionally provided, since the specific structure and format will depend on the use-case. As a best-practice, developers are encouraged to restructure the data in their own build process to match the needs of their applications (into a hash table, for example).


const projectiles = require('projectiles');

// Get a list of all supported companies.
const companies = projectiles.companies;

// Get a list of all projectiles.
const bullets = projectiles.projectiles;

// Get a list of projectiles for one supported company.
const barnes = projectiles.barnes;


Coming soon

Related projects

You may also be interested in the following projects.

  • cartridges: Open source dataset of all known ammunition cartridges
  • ammunition: Modern cartridges drawn to spec with D3
