
Primary LanguageShell

SLURM hpc scripts

The approach taken here rely on bash as opposed to python, and the hpc scripts serve one of three (overlapping) purposes:

The scripts are designed in order to make the transfer of a locally working application to the hpc clusters as easy and painless as possible.

There are two types of scripts, which differ by how dependencies are managed for your application:

  • Singularity containers
  • python virtual environments

The Singularity approach offers much greater flexibility where all dependencies are specified in a "Singularity file", whereas the python virtual environment approach (obviously) must be a python application.

Depending on whether you use Singularity or a python virtual environment they each pose slightly different constraints on how experiments run once a job has been submitted. These constraints are minimal so that you do not have to give up e.g. Singularity's flexibility yet ensures the script can make some assumptions about how to run your experiments. The details on this can be found in the Singularity readme or the virtual environment readme.

To use these scripts, simply copy them into your appropriately structured project. The scripts are written to be (almost) project agnostic, which effectively means that the scripts will:

  • Automatically set up the experiments which prevents mixing different projects.

  • Ensure the correct relationship between requested number of gpus, nodes, and cpus per gpu depending on the type of distributed job.

  • Manage the transfer of data and directories to and from local nodes for faster read/write operations - i.e. via the SLURM_TMPDIR environment variable.

The created folders and their location are easily accessible as environment variables. One thing to pay attention to is that Singularity based jobs needs additional folders compared to the virtual environment based jobs. For details see the created folders.


The scripts rely on the SCRATCH environment variable. If SCRATCH is not set by default add

export SCRATCH=[path to scratch]

to your ~/.bashrc.

Additionally, you will notice references to the SLURM_TMPDIR. This variable points to a temporary directory created for each job pointing to a job-specific directory on each local node. If the job is allocated multiple nodes the temporary directory is unique on each node. Some clusters will have these automatically set. However, if this is not the case make sure to set this up yourself.

Submitting jobs

To submit jobs call one of two submitter jobs. Which one depends on whether your application uses Singularity or a virtual environment. Note that the job submitter file by default assumes you use a virtual environment. To specify a Singularity based job, use the -s, --singularity-container option.

The scripts distinguish between two types of jobs, and how to specify the experiment's configurations depend on which type:

The options that control the job submissions are:

-a, --account                 Account to use on cedar (def-fwood, rrg-kevinlb).
                                Ignored on the PLAI cluster. Default: rrg-kevinlb
-g, --gpus                    Number of gpus per node. Default: 1
-c, --cpus                    Number of cpus per node: Default: 2
-j, --job-type                Type of job to run, one of
                                (standard, sweep, distributed).
                                Default: standard
-W, --which-distributed       Kind of distributed gpu application backend used
                                (lightning, torchrun). Must be provided if using
                                "--job-type distributed"
-t, --time                    Requested runtime. Format: dd-HH:MM:SS.
                                Default: 00-01:00:00
-m, --mem                     Amount of memory per node. E.g. 10G or 10M.
                                Default: 10G
-G, --gpu-type                Type of gpu to use (p100, p100l, v100l). Ignored on
                                the PLAI cluster. Default: v100l
-e, --exp-name                Name of the experiment. Used to created convenient
                                folders in ${SCRATCH}/${project_name} and to name
                                the generated output files. Default: "" (empty)
-n, --num_nodes               Number of nodes. Default: 1
-d, --data                    Whitespace separated list of paths to directories or
                                files to transfer to ${SLURM_TMPDIR}. These paths
                                MUST be relative to ${SCRATCH}/${project_name}
-s, --singularity-container   Path to singularity container. If specified the
                                job is submitted as a Singularity based job
-w, --workdir                 Path to a mounted working directory in the
                                Singularity container
-C, --configs                 Path to file specifying the experiment
                                configuration. Default: experiment_configurations.txt

-h, --help                    Show this message


Assume we have a project with the appropriate structure.

To submit a job first cd [path to project]/hpc_files, and then

bash job_submitter.sh \
  --gpus 2 \
  --cpus 2 \
  --exp-name testing \
  --num-nodes 2

Integration with Weights and Biases

To use the Weight and Biases sweeps, you need to first install wandb into your Singularity container or virtual environment,

pip install wandb

To use wandb requires a user login. Either do wandb login, where wandb will prompt for a username and password, or set the WANDB_API_KEY environment variable to the api key provided by weight and biases after you sign up.

The scripts found here take the latter approach by searching for your api key in ~/wandb_credentials.txt. As long as you copy your api key into ~/wandb_credentials.txt your applications can log experiment progress using wandb.

Sweeper jobs

When you submit a wandb sweep array job, you only need to specify the sweep id. That is, first initiate the sweep (either locally or on your favorite cluster),

wandb sweep sweeper.yml

This will create a pending sweep on wandb's servers. Then in project root/hpc_files do

bash job_submitter.sh --job_type sweep [other options]

The script will then prompt for the sweep id and the number of sweeps.

The provided sweeper.yml file can serve as a template, but should be modified to your specific sweep. Think of the sweeper.yml file as the sweep's equivalent of the more general experiment_configurations.txt file.

How to specify experiment configurations:

Copying datasets and other files to SLURM_TMPDIR

To copy data to the local nodes when submitting a job, simply use the -d, --data option. To transfer multiple files and directories specify these using a whitespace separated list of relative paths.

The main purpose of this functionality is to copy large amounts of data, which typically is stored on SCRTACH. Therefore, the paths are going to be relative to ${SCRATCH}/${project_name}. The script will then create a tarball using tar and transfer the files and directories to SLURM_TMPDIR. You can then access the files and directories at SLURM_TMPDIR using the same paths used when using the -d, --data option.

If a tarball already exists, no new tarball is created. If you want to update the tarball you should delete the old one first.


Assume you work on a project named project_root, and on ${SCRATCH} you have,

├── project_root
│   └── datasets
│       ├──dataset1
│       ├──dataset2
│       └──dataset3
. other files on scratch

If you want to move the entire directory datasets to ${SLURM_TMPDIR}, you would do

bash job_submitter.sh \
  --data datasets

This would then lead to the following structure on ${SLURM_TMPDIR}

├── datasets
│   ├── dataset1
│   ├── dataset2
│   └── dataset3

If instead you want to move only dataset1 and dataset2, you would do

bash job_submitter.sh \
  --data datasets/dataset1 datasets/dataset2

This would then lead to the following structure

├── datasets
│   ├── dataset1
│   └── dataset2

In your specific experiment, you would have an option to specify the location of a dataset (using e.g. python's argparse). You could then configure your program to look for dataset1 by running

python my_program.py --data_dir=${SLURM_TMPDIR}/datasets/dataset1 [other arguments]

Multi-node distributed gpu training

The scripts have been tested with two different ways to do multi-node distributed gpu training with PyTorch,

The practical difference in terms of submitting a job is what each approach considers a task. The hpc scripts found in this repo will make sure to submit a job with the appropriate relationship between gpus, nodes, and cpus.

In terms of writing the application code, Lightning removes a lot of the distributed training setup and does this for you. It also offers multiple optimization tricks that have been found to improve training of neural network based models. The downside is that Lightning is (slightly) more rigid in terms of managing the gpus across the distributed processes. Using PyTorch's torchrun offers full flexibility, but requires manually setting up the distributed training.

To get comfortable with these different approaches and play around with them check out my distributed training repository which also uses the hpc scripts found here.


Lightning is built on PyTorch and requires your code to be written using a certain structure. It has a lot of functionality, but it attempts to streamline the training process to be agnostic to any particular neural network training program. Lightning includes loads of functionalities, but fundamentally you can think of Lightning as doing the training loop for you. You only have to write the training step, which is then called by Lightning.

The benefit of the design of Lightning is that Lightning manages distributing your code across multiple gpus without you having to really change your code.


If you use the torchrun approach you achieve full flexibility in how to manage the gpus for each process. Under the hood torchrun spawns subprocesses, and requires you to specify which machine the is the "master" machine as well as which port these processes use to communicate to each other.

If you use a virtual environment for you application, the hpc scripts provided in this repository handles this for you. However, if you use Singularity you have to manage this yourself: either as a command passed to the Singularity container or build the Singularity container to take care of this.

torchrun comes with the installation of PyTorch, and should be executed on each node using the following execution pattern,

torchrun --nproc_per_node 2 --nnodes 2 \
    --rdzv_id=0 \
    --rdzv_backend=c10d \
    --rdzv_endpoint= \
    --max_restarts=3 \
    YOUR_TRAINING_SCRIPT.py (--arg1 --arg2 --arg3 and all other arguments of your training script)

See the virtual_env_hpc_files/distributed_scripts/torchrun_launcher.sh file for how this is handled if you use a virtual environment approach.

Environment variables

The scripts sets various environment variables. These are used internally, and can be used downstream within a program.

Some are automatically inferred from the name of the project folder, while other should be manually (optional) specified. The variables are then available within your program using e.g. python's os package:

import os
source_dir = os.environ['source_dir']

Automatically assigned

  • source_dir: absolute path to the root of the project.
  • project_name: set to be the name of the project folder.
  • scratch_dir=${SCRATCH}/${project_name}: path to a folder created on SCRATCH. This folder is project specific and is created using project_name. No need to worry about having multiple different project overwrite one another.
    • This path should be considered the "root" location of the project to store large files - e.g. model checkpoints etc.
    • Since this is on SCRATCH read/write operation may be slow. Try using path_to_local_node_storage=${SLURM_TMPDIR} instead.

Manually (optional) assigned

  • exp_name: a name which describe the current experiment belonging to the overarching project (project_name)
    • For instance, the project could be "gan_training". An experiment could then be exp_name=celebA for training a GAN using the celebA dataset

Created folders

The scripts will automatically create the following directories. Your experiment can easily access these using the created environment variables. They are only created if they do not already exist.

  • ${SCRATCH}/${project_name}: if you have a dataset on scratch, you should create this directory yourself and put whatever data you need for your jobs here.
  • ${scratch_dir}/hpc_outputs: location of yours jobs' output files.
  • ${scratch_dir}/exp_name/checkpoints: a directory meant to store checkpoints and other files created as your experiment runs.

Project structure

Regardless of whether your project uses Singularity or virtual environments the scripts assumes a certain structure

├── hpc_files
│   ├── experiment_configurations.txt
│   ├── job_submitter.sh
│   ├── plai_cleanups
│   │   ├── plai_cleanup.sh
│   │   └── submit_plai_cleanup
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── singularity_hpc_files
│   │   ├── distributed_dispatcher.sh
│   │   ├── README.md
│   │   └── standard_job.sh
│   ├── sweeper.yml
│   └── virtual_env_hpc_files
│       ├── distributed_dispatcher.sh
│       ├── distributed_scripts
│       │   ├── lightning_launcher.sh
│       │   └── script_launcher.sh
│       ├── README.md
│       └── standard_job.sh
├── Pipfile
├── requirements.txt
├── singularity_container.sif
├── Singularity.bld
. other project source files


The SLURM_TMPDIR not provided on the PLAI cluster. This is why the scripts will check if you submit your job on the PLAI cluster and set this for you - SLURM_TMPDIR=/scratch-ssd/${USER}.

The scripts will then create the temporary directory for each job on each node. Upon completion of the job the directory will be deleted. Note, however, that should the job end prematurely due to hitting the time limit or the job simply crashes, the cleanup will not happen.

Keeping PLAI local storage clean

To keep the local storages clean on the PLAI cluster, consider running the cleanup script. This script submits a job to each machine on the plai cluster and removes all directories and files found in /scratch-ssd that matches the pattern ${USER}*.

Additional resources