

  1. The HTML document begins with the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration.
  2. The <html> element marks the start of the HTML document.
  3. The <head> section contains meta tags and links to the CSS file and sets the title of the page.
  4. The <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> ensures proper rendering on various devices.
  5. The <title> element sets the title of the page to "Loader".
  6. The <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> links the external CSS file named "style.css" to the HTML document.
  7. The <body> element starts the body section of the HTML document.
  8. The loader is wrapped in a <section> element to center it on the page.
  9. The <div class="loader"> contains a series of 20 <span> elements, each representing a circle with a custom property "--i" set to values from 1 to 20.
  10. CSS styles, defined in the "style.css" file, control the loader's appearance and animation.
  11. The loader's animation is achieved using CSS animations and pseudo-elements (::before).
  12. The "animateBg" animation provides a color-changing effect to the background of the section.
  13. Each circle is positioned absolutely within the loader and rotates at different angles using the custom property "--i".
  14. The "animate" animation scales the pseudo-elements (::before) of each circle to create a glowing effect, making the circles appear and disappear smoothly.


  1. *: Targets all elements and sets some common styles to reset their margins, padding, and box-sizing.

  2. section: Targets the section element containing the loader and sets its properties.

    • display: flex: Uses flexbox for layout.
    • justify-content: center: Centers the content horizontally within the section.
    • align-items: center: Centers the content vertically within the section.
    • min-height: 100vh: Sets the minimum height of the section to 100% of the viewport height.
    • background: #003541: Sets the background color of the section to a dark teal (#003541).
    • animation: animateBg 10s linear infinite: Applies an animation called "animateBg" to create a color-changing effect with a 10-second duration and linear timing.
  3. @keyframes animateBg: Defines the animation called "animateBg" using @keyframes.

    • 0%: Specifies the starting keyframe of the animation.
      • filter: hue-rotate(0deg): Sets the hue rotation to 0 degrees.
    • 100%: Specifies the ending keyframe of the animation.
      • filter: hue-rotate(360deg): Sets the hue rotation to 360 degrees, creating a full color cycle.
  4. section .loader: Targets the loader container inside the section and sets its properties.

    • position: relative: Positions the loader container relative to its normal position.
    • width: 120px: Sets the width of the loader container to 120 pixels.
    • height: 120px: Sets the height of the loader container to 120 pixels.
  5. section .loader span: Targets the individual circles inside the loader container and sets their properties.

    • position: absolute: Positions each circle absolutely within the loader container.
    • top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%: Positions each circle to cover the entire loader container.
    • transform: rotate(calc(18deg * var(--i))): Applies a rotation to each circle based on its custom property (--i) value, creating a circular arrangement.
  6. section .loader span::before: Targets the pseudo-element "before" for each circle and sets its properties.

    • content: "": Adds content to the pseudo-element (a small circle).
    • position: absolute: Positions the pseudo-element absolutely within its parent circle.
    • top: 0; left: 0; width: 15px; height: 15px: Sets the size and position of the pseudo-element to create a smaller circle.
    • border-radius: 20%: Rounds the corners of the pseudo-element, creating a circular shape.
    • background: #00d0ff: Sets the background color of the pseudo-element to a bright blue (#00d0ff).
    • box-shadow: Adds multiple box shadows to the pseudo-element, creating a glowing effect with varying sizes.
    • animation: animate 2s linear infinite: Applies an animation called "animate" to each pseudo-element, with a 2-second duration, linear timing, and infinite repetition.
    • animation-delay: calc(0.1s * var(--i)): Delays the start of the animation for each pseudo-element based on its custom property (--i) value.
  7. @keyframes animate: Defines the animation called "animate" using @keyframes.

    • 0%: Specifies the starting keyframe of the animation.
      • transform: scale(1): Sets the scale of the pseudo-element to its original size.
    • 80%, 100%: Specifies the ending keyframes of the animation.
      • transform: scale(0): Sets the scale of the pseudo-element to 0, making it disappear.

