
Arabic Dictionary for Morphological analysis

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Arabic Dictionary for Morphological analysis

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Developpers: Taha Zerrouki: http://tahadz.com taha dot zerrouki at gmail dot com Collect data manually Mohamed Kebdani, Morroco < med.kebdani gmail.com>

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Release 0.3
License GPL
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Arramooz Alwaseet is an open source Arabic dictionary for morphological analyze, It can help Natural Language processing developers. This work is generated from the Ayaspell( Arabic spellchecker) brut data, which are collected manually.

This dictionary consists of three parts :

  • stop words
  • verbs
  • Nouns


The python API is available as arramooz-pysqlite

Files formats

Those files are available as :

  • Text format (tab separated)
  • SQL database
  • XML files.
  • StarDict files
  • Python + Sqlite libray

BUILD Dictionary in multiple format

The source files are data folder as open document speadsheet files, then we can build dictionary with


which will generate xml, sql and text files, and package it in releases folder.

To make Hunspell files only

make spell

To make SatrDict files only

make stardict

NOTE: you must use stardict-editor to Compile releases/stardict/arramooz.sdic in babylon format

To modify the version, you can update $VERSION variable in Makefile file.

To clean releases use:

make clean

To modify data or updating data you can open files in data/ in libreoffice calc format, clean releases, and do make.


The Stop words list is developed in an independent project (see http://arabicstopwords.sourceforge.ne)


Database description

Field Description وصف
vocalized vocalized word الكلمة مشكولة
unvocalized unvocalized word الكلمة غير مشكولة
root root of the verb جذر الفعل
future_type The future mark, used only ofr trilateral verbs حركة عين الفعل الثلاثي في المضارع
triliteral the verb is triliteral (3 letters) or not الفعل ثلاثي/غير ثلاثي
transitive transitive or not فعل متعدي/ لازم
double_trans has double transitivity for two objetcs متعدي لمفعولين
think_trans the verb is transitive to human متعدي للغاقل
unthink_trans the verb is transitive to unhuman being متعدي لغير العاقل
reflexive_trans pronominal verb فعل من أفعال القلوب
past can be conjugated in past tense يتصرف في الماضي
future can be conjugated in present and future tense يتصرف في المضارع
imperative can be conjugated in imperative يتصرف في الأمر
passive can be conjugated in passive voice يتصرف في المبني للمجهول
future_moode can be conjugated in future moode (jusive, subjuctive, ) يتصرف في المضارع المجزوم أو المنصوب
confirmed can be conjugated in confirmed tenses يتصرف في المؤكد

SQL format of verb

create table verbs
            id int unique,
            vocalized varchar(30) not null,
            unvocalized varchar(30) not null,
            root varchar(30),
            normalized varchar(30) not null,
            stamp varchar(30) not null,
            future_type varchar(5),
            triliteral  tinyint(1) default 0, 
            transitive  tinyint(1) default 0, 
            double_trans  tinyint(1) default 0, 
            think_trans  tinyint(1) default 0, 
            unthink_trans  tinyint(1) default 0, 
            reflexive_trans  tinyint(1) default 0, 
            past  tinyint(1) default 0, 
            future  tinyint(1) default 0,  
            imperative  tinyint(1) default 0, 
            passive  tinyint(1) default 0,  
            future_moode  tinyint(1) default 0, 
            confirmed  tinyint(1) default 0, 
            PRIMARY KEY (id)

XML format

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf8'?>
<verb future_type='فتحة' triliteral='1' transitive='1' double_trans='0' think_trans='1' unthink_trans='0' reflexive_trans='0' >
 <tenses past='1' future='1' imperative='0' passive='0' future_moode='1' confirmed='1'/>


Database description

Field Description وصف
vocalized vocalized word الكلمة مشكولة
unvocalized unvocalized word غير مشكولة
wordtype word type( Noun of Subject, noun of object, …) نوع الكلمة (اسم فاعل، اسم مفعول، صيغة مبالغة..)
root word root جذر الكلمة
category word category صنف الكلمة أو قسمها الفرعي
original original verb or noun (masdar) مصدر الكلمة فعل او اسم
mankous if the word is mankous, ends with Yeh اسم منقوص
feminable the word accept Teh_marbuta يقبل تاء التأنيث
defined the word is defined or not معرفة
gender the word gender نوع أو جنس الكلمة
feminin the feminin form of the word مؤنث الكلمة
masculin the masculin form of the word مذكر الكلمة
number the word is sigle, dual or plural عدد مفرد/مثنى/جمع
single the single form of the word مفرد الكلمة
dualable accept dual suffix يقبل التثنية
masculin_plural accept masculine plural يقبل جمع المذكر السالم
feminin_plural accept feminin plural يقبل جمع المؤنث السالم
broken_plural the irregular plural if exists جموع تكسيره إن وجدت
mamnou3_sarf doesnt accept tanwin ممنوع من الصرف
relative relative منسوب يالياء
w_suffix accept waw suffix يقبل الاحقة ـو الخاصة بجمع المذكر السالم عند إضافته إلى ما بعده
hm_suffix accept Heh+Meem suffix يقبل اللاحقة ـهم
kal_prefix accept Kaf+Alef+Lam prefixe يقبل السابقة كالـ
ha_suffix accept Heh suffix يقبل اللاحقة ـه
k_prefix accept preposition prefixes without "AL" definition article يقبل سابقة الجر دون ال التعريف
annex accept the oral annexation يقبل الإضافة إلى ما بعده مثل المقيمي الصلاة
definition word description شرح الكلمة
note notes about the dictionary entry. ملاحظات على المدخل في القاموس

SQL format of noun

          `id` int(11) unique,
          `vocalized` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
          `unvocalized` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
          `normalized` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
          `stamp` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
          `wordtype` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
          `root` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
          `wazn` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
          `category` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
          `original` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
          `gender` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
          `feminin` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
          `masculin` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
          `number` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
          `single` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
          `broken_plural` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,            
          `defined` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `mankous` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `feminable` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `dualable` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `masculin_plural` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `feminin_plural` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `mamnou3_sarf` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `relative` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `w_suffix` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `hm_suffix` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `kal_prefix` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `ha_suffix` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `k_prefix` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `annex` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
          `definition` text,
          `note` text
        ) ;

XML format

<noun id='60000'>
 <wordtype>اسم فاعل</wordtype>
 <definition>". ""تَرَكَ ابْناً بَارّاً"" : صَادِقاً وَصَالِحاً وَمُحْسِناً. ""اِبْنُكَ البارُّ يُحِبُّكَ"</definition>


Script Files:

1- generate the abstract dictionary from the brut manual dictionary:

python2 $SCRIPT/verbs/gen_verb_dict.py -f $DATA_DIR/verbs/verb_dic_data-net.csv > $OUTPUT/verbs.aya.dic

2- generate the file format (xml, csv, sql) of dictionary from verbs.aya.dic

python2 $SCRIPT/verbs/gen_verb_dict_format.py -o xml -f $OUTPUT/verbs.aya.dic > $OUTPUT/verbs.xml
  • [scripts/verbs]

    1- verbdict_functions.py : functions to handle verbs dict used in the generation process

    2- verbs/gen_verb_dict.py: generate the abstract dictionary from the brut manual dictionary

    3- verbs/gen_verb_dict_format.py: generate the file format (xml, csv, sql) of dictionary from verbs.aya.dic

  • [scripts/nouns]

    1- noundict_functions.py : functions to handle nouns dict used in the generation process

    2- nouns/gen_noun_dict.py: generate the file format (xml, csv, sql) of dictionary

  • [requirement]

    1- libqutrub

    2- pyarabic

Data Files:

This files are used to create ayaspell dictionary for spellchecking arramooz\verbs\data

File Description
verb_dic_data-net.csv brut data made manually by Mohamed kebdani.
ar_verb_normalized.dict A list of arabic verbs, from Qutrub project.
triverbtable.py A list of trilateral verbs, used by Qutrub.
verbs.aya.dic The verb dictionary in abstract format.