
A simple Micronaut app using Thymeleaf template engine and Maven.

Primary LanguageJava

First Micronaut App

with Thymeleaf Template Engine and Maven

Hope this guide helps people to start building microservices with micronaut and template engines such as thymeleaf.

How to create simple app with Micronaut CLI and Maven

  1. Install Micronaut (see instructions on Micronaut Website)
  2. Create project with Micronaut CLI (important: reload .bash_profile after install $ source ~/.bash_profile)
  3. Create Micronaut project with $ mn create-app micronaut-first-thymeleaf-app --build maven (with Maven) (then cd into project directory)
  4. Create Micronaut Controller with $ mn create-controller ApplicationController
  5. Write Micronaut app
  6. build and execute with $ ./mvnw compile exec:exec
  7. Open browser and go to http://localhost:8080/main/ or http://localhost:8080/main/simpleTest

How to set up Thymeleaf Template Engine

Most important step: Do not use micronaut-views in pom.xml as mentioned in guide for server side view rendering, use micronaut-views-thymeleaf instead. Otherwise build will fail.



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