Welcome to URLC

I'll share some url and experience by this page. Hope you could get some thing needed from here.
programming languages, useful software, information security, database install and docs, ...

1.1 programming languages

name kind memo
mingw-w64 c environment
jdk_8u281 java runtime
java8-docs java API
eclipse java IDE 使用文档
python python runtime
python3.9-docs python docs
pypi python python libraries
pycharm python IDE
lua lua runtime
lua-docs lua docs

1.2 userful software

name kind memo
wireshark 抓包软件 使用文档
fiddler 抓包软件 使用文档
postman web-api test

1.3 information security

name kind memo
AntSword-Loader web management 使用文档
dvwa ctf test platform README.md


name kind memo
OpenWrt document
PySide2 API qt for python
jQuery API API a javascript library
github help center document github help