The state learner

This repository provides code that implements the state learner. We provide examples of how to use it as a stand-alone tool and in combination with targeted learning.

To run the examples below, run the following code to load the needed functions.


Stand alone use of the state learner

We illustrate how to use the state learner by fitting it to the Melanoma data set as provided by the riskRegression package.

data(Melanoma, package="riskRegression")
   time status                    event invasion ici      epicel       ulcer thick    sex age   logthick
1:   10      2       death.other.causes  level.1   2     present     present  6.76   Male  76  1.9110229
2:   30      2       death.other.causes  level.0   0 not present not present  0.65   Male  56 -0.4307829
3:   35      0                 censored  level.1   2 not present not present  1.34   Male  41  0.2926696
4:   99      2       death.other.causes  level.0   2 not present not present  2.90 Female  71  1.0647107
5:  185      1 death.malignant.melanoma  level.2   2     present     present 12.08   Male  52  2.4915512
6:  204      1 death.malignant.melanoma  level.2   2 not present     present  4.84   Male  28  1.5769147

We specify a list of learners. Each learner is specified through a list with a model entry (for now, cox, GLMnet, and rfsrc are implemented), and a x_form entry, which provides a formula for which and how the covariates enter the model. Additional arguments can be supplied to each learner by adding entries to the list (e.g., ntree for a random survival forest).

learners <- list(
  cox = list(model = "cox", x_form = ~sex+age+logthick),
  cox_penalty = list(model = "GLMnet", x_form = ~invasion+ici+epicel+ulcer+sex+age+logthick),
  km = list(model = "cox", x_form = ~1),
  km_strat = list(model = "cox", x_form = ~strata(epicel)),
  rf = list(model = "rfsrc", x_form = ~invasion+ici+epicel+ulcer+sex+age+logthick, ntree = 50)

Below we use the same list of learners to learn the cumulative hazards for cause 1, cause 2, and censoring. The state learner returns a list consisting of 1) a data.table of triples of learners sorted according to their joint performance in predicting the state of the observed data in the interval 0 to time, and 2) the top ranked triple of models fitted to the full data. Here we use an interval of 5 years and show the 6 highest ranked triples.

sl = statelearner(learners = list(cause1 = learners,
				    cause2 = learners,
				    censor = learners),
		    data = Melanoma,
		    time = 5*365.25)
   cause1      cause2      censor     loss b
1:     rf          km         cox 239.6142 1
2:     rf          km cox_penalty 239.8218 1
3:     rf          km          km 239.8678 1
4:     rf cox_penalty         cox 239.9478 1
5:     rf          km          rf 239.9732 1
6:     rf cox_penalty cox_penalty 240.1687 1

Use for targeted estimation

We estimate the standardized risk difference between patient with and without ulcers for both death of malignant melanoma (cause=1) and death from other causes (cause=2). To do so, we need an estimate of the “treatment” mechanism, i.e., the probability of the presence of ulcers given other covariates.

Melanoma[,A := as.numeric(ulcer)-1]
treat_fit <- GLMnet(A ~ invasion+ici+epicel+sex+age+logthick, family = binomial, data = Melanoma)

We can now estimate the ATE using the fitted nuisance models.

ate_est <- os_abs_risk_ate(data = Melanoma, 
			     eval_times = c(2,5)*365.25,
			     fit_1 = sl$fitted_winners$cause1,
			     fit_2 = sl$fitted_winners$cause2,
			     fit_cens = sl$fitted_winners$censor,
			     fit_treat = treat_fit)

Below we show the estimated risk difference for

ate_est[effect=="ATE" & est_type=="one-step"]
    cause    time effect est_type        est        see       lower     upper
1: cause1  730.50    ATE one-step 0.05638786 0.02677092  0.00391686 0.1088589
2: cause2  730.50    ATE one-step 0.08763156 0.08163485 -0.07237275 0.2476359
3: cause1 1826.25    ATE one-step 0.05699237 0.05786330 -0.05641970 0.1704044
4: cause2 1826.25    ATE one-step 0.10442644 0.08226031 -0.05680378 0.2656567

Simulated data

We simulate data according to the Zelefsky study and evaluate different super learners.

start_t = 1
end_t = 36
time_inc = (end_t-start_t)/100
eval_times = seq(start_t, end_t, time_inc)
train_data <- simZelefsky_wrapper(n = 500, simulation_input = zelefsky_summary)[, !c("true_time", "cens_time")]
eval_data <- simZelefsky_wrapper(n = 1e4, simulation_input = zelefsky_summary)[, !c("time", "status")]
sim_est <- eval_sl(train_data, eval_data, eval_times = seq(1, 36, length.out = 100))

The scaled integrated Brier scores are obtained as follows.

sim_est[!(type == "cens" & grepl("ipcw", SL)),
        .(scaled_int_brier = sum(100*brier)*time_inc/end_t),
        .(type, SL)]
    type           SL scaled_int_brier
1: event       survSL         9.951644
2:  cens       survSL        13.723653
3: event statelearner         9.826543
4:  cens statelearner        14.055743
5: event      ipcw_km         9.826543
6: event     ipcw_cox         9.826543
7: event       oracle         9.826543
8:  cens       oracle        13.725703