
eLab Blockchain Sarvatra

Primary LanguageGo

####################### https://courses.pragmaticpaths.com ##############

Part of a course 'Mastering Fabric Chaincode Development using GoLang'#


Change Log:

HLF-Dev-Chaincode-V2.1-1.0 April 25, 2020

  • Upgraded Ubuntu to 18.04 LTS
  • Upgraded Fabric to 2.1
  • Upgraded Node to 12.13.6
  • Introduced VirtualBox Express setup - more info at network/setup/vexpress/README.md
  • MAJOR enhancements to utility script
  • Introduced environment variables for Fabric 2.x
  • chain.sh script now supports peer lifecycle commands

HLF-Dev-Chaincode-V1.4-1.4 December 15, 2019

  • Changed the script network/setup/go.sh Now installs GoLang v1.12.14
  • Fabric binaries updated to 1.4.3 (Changes in install-fabric.sh)
  • Fabric shim now builds locally to make the setup future proof (Changes in install-fabric.sh)
  • Update network/setup/node.sh to install g++
  • Dev network Channe policy for Acme/Budget - config/configtx.yaml

HLF-Dev-Chaincode-V1.4-1.3 June 6, 2019

  • Docker compose install failure (reported by Emir)
  • Vagrantfile port mapping issue (7051:7052 instead of 7052:7052)

HLF-Dev-Chaincode-V1.4-1.2 May 17, 2019

  • Install Fabric Script Change - Mac OS install was failing

HLF-Dev-Chaincode-V1.4-1.1 May 10, 2019

  • Updated the shell script for updating the .bashrc for PATH
  • Fixed errors in install-protoc.sh Updated the lecture "Hands On: Using functions for ...."
  • Fixed the install-node-utils.sh for sporadic permission errors
  • Default log level changed to info
  • Added script [setup/update-git-repo.sh] for pulling latest sample code from GitHub
  • Added script [update-sh-file-mode.sh] for updating mode for all of the shell scripts

HLF-Dev-Chaincode-V1.4-1.0 April 18, 2019


Setup Instructions: network/setup/README.md


  1. Initialize the Dev invironment

    dev-init.sh -flag -flag

Validate dev environment


To get help

dev-init.sh -h

  1. Explorer
  • Start with the environment use the -e flag

    dev-init.sh -e exp-stop.sh

  • At a later time

    exp-start.sh exp-stop.sh

  1. Environment scripts
  • Set the org context

    . set-env.sh acme | budget

  • To check current environment


  1. Chaincode operations
  • Set the chaincode environment

    set-chain-env.sh -flag .. -flag ..

  • To check current chaincode parameters


VBOX Mount issue

sudo service vboxadd-service stop sudo date -s "2010-10-01 10:25:00"