
Version Verifier for XrmToolBox

Primary LanguageC#

Version Verifier for XrmToolBox

This tool is a plugin to the XrmToolbox by Tanguy Touzard.


If you have several environments for development, testing, acceptance and your product is split to number of solutions, or dependednt on several third-party solutions, it's hard to keep track on all solution changes.

This might be crusial when hotfix should be released to all customers' environments.

Project Description

A tool to compare multiple solution versions over multiple environments.

By default, currently connected organization is treated as the source of reference solution infromation.

Tool builds colorful matrix that helps to visually identify which solutions are outdated.

Tool allows to save information about reference solutions into separate file and edit it manually, thus working without connecting to one reference organization.

Feedback is much appreciated, pre-compiled binaries are also available for download.