
Library to write GUESS GDF network files

Primary LanguagePython

About gdflib

gdflib is a Python package made to dump GDF graph files.


gdflib can be installed from pypi:

easy_install gdflib


pip install gdflib

should just work for most of the users


Most simple example:

>>> from gdflib import GdfEntries, Node
>>> entities = GdfEntries()
>>> entities.add_node(Node(name='node1', label='This is the first node'))
>>> entities.add_node(Node(name='node2', label='This is the second node'))
>>> entities.link('node1', 'node2')
>>> print entities.dumps()
nodedef>name , style INT, width DOUBLE, color VARCHAR, image VARCHAR, label VARCHAR, height DOUBLE, visible BOOLEAN, labelcolor VARCHAR, y DOUBLE, x DOUBLE, strokecolor VARCHAR, fixed BOOLEAN, labelvisible BOOLEAN
node1,1,4.000000,cornflowerblue,,'This is the first node',4.000000,true,cornflowerblue,,,cadetblue,false,false
node2,1,4.000000,cornflowerblue,,'This is the second node',4.000000,true,cornflowerblue,,,cadetblue,false,false
edgedef>node1 , node2 , directed BOOLEAN, color VARCHAR, weight DOUBLE, width DOUBLE, label VARCHAR, visible BOOLEAN, labelcolor VARCHAR, labelvisible BOOLEAN

By default all nodes implement the standard properties defined for GDF, unspecified properties will get the default value. Custom nodes can be defined through the Declarative interface:

>>> from gdflib import String, Double
>>> from gdflib import GdfEntries, Node
>>> class Product(Node):
...     company = String(default='Unknown Company')
...     price = Double(required=True)
>>> entities = GdfEntries(Product)
>>> entities.add_node(Product(name='node1', company='Custom Company', price=33.10))
>>> entities.add_node(Product(name='node2', label='Low Cost Product', price=18.21))
>>> entities.link('node1', 'node2')
>>> entities.dumps()
nodedef>name , style INT, width DOUBLE, color VARCHAR, image VARCHAR, label VARCHAR, height DOUBLE, visible BOOLEAN, labelcolor VARCHAR, y DOUBLE, x DOUBLE, strokecolor VARCHAR, fixed BOOLEAN, labelvisible BOOLEAN, company VARCHAR, price DOUBLE
node1,1,4.000000,cornflowerblue,,'node1',4.000000,true,cornflowerblue,,,cadetblue,false,false,'Custom Company',33.100000
node2,1,4.000000,cornflowerblue,,'Low Cost Product',4.000000,true,cornflowerblue,,,cadetblue,false,false,'Unknown Company',18.210000
edgedef>node1 , node2 , directed BOOLEAN, color VARCHAR, weight DOUBLE, width DOUBLE, label VARCHAR, visible BOOLEAN, labelcolor VARCHAR, labelvisible BOOLEAN

gdflib provides also support for custom edges, those can be defined like custom nodes by subclassing Edge and providing additional attributes. In such case instead of using link function to link two nodes, add_edge call should be uses.