An easy and flexible tool to mash up and to extract data from different sources in order to visualize them and to gain actionable info. Internally it's called just etl,_transform,_load
Molepaw is compatible with python2.7 and python3.6+
Clone the repository:
$ git clone $ cd molepaw
Create a python virtualenv:
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv $ source venv/bin/activate
Install etl
using the script:
$ pip install -e '.[testing]'
Create the project database for any model classes defined:
$ gearbox setup-app
Start the PasteDeploy http server:
$ gearbox serve
While developing you may want the server to reload after changes in package files (or its dependencies) are saved. This can be achieved easily by adding the --reload option:
$ gearbox serve --reload --debug
Then you are ready to go. For further informations:
- TurboGears2 -
- pandas -
- numpy -
- ractive.js -
- bokeh -
Once you got your instance of molepaw go on http://localhost:8080 and try to login with credentials
- username: admin
- password: adminpass
If it doesn't work: did you do the setup-app step successfully? check the credentials in etl/websetup/
Molepaw connects to datasources, they can be remote or local, sql databases (sqlalchemy), mongodb databases (ming), json or csv.
Let's set up a new datasource: go on admin/datasources/new
and add the url and a name. See the folder etl/lib/dbsessions
for internals.
Note that if you want to connect to mongodb you need to install ming with pip, as it's not a dependency of molepaw
Datasets are derived from a datasource and you can specify a query that will be applied to the datasource. Datasets aren't extractions. An examples could be "users" (just the sql table) or "tickets sold for each day"
Go in /extractions
and press the add extraction button, add the name and save, then press edit on the new extraction.
Press the biggest + button, select your dataset and then press the largest + button. You can join other datasets or create an extraction step using the + button below to produce your extraction.
Example extractions could be "users by province" or "tickets sold for each cinema".
All extractions are exposed as html, csv and json, you could make a json datasource from an already created extracion
It's suggested to wrap molepaw with chausette
and chausette in circus
You will need to migrate the database when you change the models defined in etl/model
Molepaw has 2 ways to migrate the db, choose your preferred one:
Refer to
Just create a new file in etl/config/evolutions
and add it into etl/config/
Refer to
Molepaw's test suite is written in nosetests and tox is configured as a wrapper. so to run tests with tox just type tox -- -s --logging-level=DEBUG in a terminal assuming you've installed with pip install -e .[testing]. keep in mind you need to start mongodb, otherwise all tests might raise IntegrityError during bootstrap. Molepaw has another test suite for e2e tests with chrome, if you need to debug it or write new tests and want to see what's going on the browser comment out headless from chromeoptions in etl/tests/e2e/ You can run e2e tests with nosetests --tests=etl/tests/e2e -s --cover-min-percentage=30 (you need to launch the application first with gearbox serve -c test_e2e.ini)
molepaw test suite databases are to be removed if something fails. molepaw test suite requires an active mongodb instance. it connects with mongodb:// so if you get stuck (for example for a C-c (control+c) during interested tests, skipping the teardown, drop it from a mongo shell (using use moletest, then db.dropDatabase())
if you are getting lots of errors about integrityerror, no such table and so on, it means a setUp failed, and the teardown did not happen.if you get those in e2e tests, you have to delete the database file manually: rm etl/tests/e2e/testse2e.db before trying to fix the issue.