
Team PayPay at Tourism Technology Festival Hackathon

Primary LanguageJava

Tourism Technology Festival Hackathon

API Documentation

The API documentation for this project is generated using Springdoc OpenAPI UI. You can access the API documentation at the following URL:

<base-server-path>/pay-pay/swagger-ui/index.html example: http://localhost:8085/pay-pay/swagger-ui/index.html

API Endpoints

This application provides the following API endpoints:


  • GET /api/transactions: Returns a list of all transactions.
  • GET /api/transactions/client/{id}: Returns a list of transactions for a specific client, identified by {id}.
  • GET /api/transactions/business/{id}: Returns a list of transactions for a specific business, identified by {id}.
  • GET /api/transactions/{id}: Returns a specific transaction, identified by {id}.
  • POST /api/transactions: Creates a new transaction. The transaction data should be included in the request body.
  • DELETE /api/transactions/{id}: Deletes a specific transaction, identified by {id}.


  • GET /api/rewards: Returns a list of all rewards.
  • GET /api/rewards/{id}: Returns a list of rewards for a specific business, identified by {id}.
  • POST /api/rewards: Creates a new reward. The reward data should be included in the request body.
  • POST /api/rewards/claim: Claims a reward. The claim request data should be included in the request body.


  • GET /api/points/user/{id}: Returns the total points for a specific user, identified by {id}.

Please replace {id} with the actual IDs when making requests.

Frontend Application

The frontend application is located in the frontend-app folder. It uses React with TypeScript and Vite for a fast and modern web development experience.

Key Features

  • Minimal setup with React working in Vite with Hot Module Replacement (HMR) and some ESLint rules.
  • Two official plugins are available: @vitejs/plugin-react (uses Babel for Fast Refresh) and @vitejs/plugin-react-swc (uses SWC for Fast Refresh).
  • ESLint configuration can be expanded for production applications to enable type aware lint rules.

For more details, please refer to the README.md file in the frontend-app folder.

Running the Application

Running the Spring Boot Application

To run the Spring Boot application, navigate to the root directory of the project in your terminal and run the following command:

./mvnw spring-boot:run


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

Open Source

This project is open source under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.