

  1. its just a local variable
  2. don't create hook in local variable

React Router { createBrowerRouter, RouterProvider, Outlet, Link, useReactError, useParam }

i)how to configure them
ii)how to handle the error explain in with Error.tsx
iii) why we use Link component

1)Single Page Application :: Doesn't reload the page
    we have to use  `Link component from react-router-dom` instead of <a> tag
    but at the end Link is <a> tag
2)Two types of Rendering
    i)Client side 
    ii)Server side
3) All the childern going to the Outlet that present in react-router-dom and that #Outlet should 
    present  in Parent

Class Based Component

  1. You should have to extend React.Component
  2. You have to write render()