
Example application using grunt-contrib-jasmine and grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

grunt-contrib-jasmine-requirejs-example Build Status

Example application using grunt-contrib-jasmine and grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs.

Cloned from Jarrod Overson's grunt-contrib-jasmine-example.

Getting Started

  • Clone this repo locally.
  • If you haven't installed grunt yet, check out the Getting Started guide, or: npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Install dependencies by running: npm install
  • Run the Jasmine tests with: grunt jasmine

Test task

A grunt task has been setup to run jshint and jasmine tests - useful for CI.

  • Run the tests with: grunt test

Project has also configured package.json to run the test tasks by running: npm test

Test setup

Test specs are within the spec/ directory. Spec files are wrapped in a define method requiring the module to be tested as a dependency.

For example, the spec testing the player.js module:

define(['player'], function(player) {
	describe('player module', function() {
		it('should do something with a player object', function() {
			var testPlayer = new player();


Generally, spec files should only test a single js module. Ideally, module dependencies should be mocked or stubbed so that the module can be tested in isolation.

grunt-contrib-jasmine handles automatic creation of the Jasmine test runner and grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs will setup requiring of spec files and module sources. This is all configured within Gruntfile.js.

    jasmine : {
        src : 'src/**/*.js',
        options : {
            specs : 'spec/**/*.js',
            template: require('grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs'),
            templateOptions: {
                requireConfig: {
                        baseUrl: ''