
Ansible role to deploy Avi Controller in GKE

Primary LanguageJinjaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Ansible role that deploys an Avi Controller on Google GKE. We will deploy only one controller cluster with either 1 or 3 controllers per namespace.


  • Role will override any existing configuration (if a value is different here than in the k8s config it will be overriden)


  • GKE Cluster
  • GKE Node Pool w/Labels if using affinity or nodeSelector

OS Packages Required

  • python >= 2.7

Python Libraries Required

  • openshift >= 0.6
  • PyYAML >= 3.11
  • requests >= 2.18.4
  • google-auth >= 1.3.0

Required Environment Variables

When using GKE and K8s we discovered that some variables need defined at the environment level as to handle the proper authentication to GKE.

# GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is used when trying to auth to K8s, I could not
# find an alternative way to provide this and it work

Required Steps

  1. You will need to set your current cluster via gcloud to configure the proper .kube/config data. To do so run the following command

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster-name> --region=<region> --zone=<zone>
  2. Verify that you are in the correct context by typing

    kubectl config current-context

    It should return something in this format.

    gke_{{ gke_project }}_{{ region }}_{{ cluster_name }}

Role Variables

A description of the settable variables for this role should go here, including any variables that are in defaults/main.yml, vars/main.yml, and any variables that can/should be set via parameters to the role. Any variables that are read from other roles and/or the global scope (ie. hostvars, group vars, etc.) should be mentioned here as well.


Variable Required Default Comments
avi_namespace Yes Namespace that the controller should be created in
avi_controller_state No present Sets the state of the deployment. ex. present, absent, suspended, resume
avi_force_state No false Allows forcing to state of the deployment. Skips checks. true, false
avi_controller_count No 1 How many controllers we should create. ex. 1 or 3
avi_controller_prefix No avi-controller Prefix that the name of the controller and assets should have
avi_controller_username Yes (absent) admin Only required when state is absent used for verifying no SE or Virtual Services
avi_controller_password Yes (absent) None Only required when state is absent used for verifying no SE or Virtual Services
avi_gcp_region No GCP region that we want to deploy the controller to
avi_gcp_project No GCP project that the controller should be deployed in
avi_gcp_auth_kind No Type of authentication to GCP to use
avi_gcp_service_account_file No Location of the service_account_file when using serviceaccount
avi_k8s_auth_kubeconfig No {{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.kube/config Location of the kubeconfig that we will use
avi_controller_storage_class_name No {{ avi_controller_prefix }}-regionalpd-storageclass-ssd Name of the storage class to be used by the controller disk
avi_controller_req_cpu No {{ avi_controller_cpu_count // 2 }} The initial requested CPU from K8s to run the controller.
avi_controller_req_mem No {{ avi_controller_memory_size // 2 }} The initial requested Memory from the K8s to run the controller.
avi_controller_cpu_count Yes 8 Controller CPU count
avi_controller_memory_size Yes 27 Controller Memory size GB
avi_controller_disk_size No 64 Controller SSD disk size GB
avi_controller_version No 18.2.3-9063-20190501.224326 Version of Avi that should be used on the pod
avi_controller_container_image No avinetworks/controller:{{ avi_controller_version }} The image that will be used to create the controller pod
avi_controller_namespace_labels No None K8s labels you'd like to attach to the namespace
avi_gcp_compute_addresses No Auto-generated Array of compute addresses created by role for controllers
avi_controller_affinity No None Sets the k8s affinity of the controller pod
avi_controller_nodeselector No None Sets the nodeSelector for the controller pod
avi_setup_yaml No None Provided as setup.json to the controller via K8s ConfigMap

Advanced variables

These values are not required and are advanced, they are not meant to be updated unless required for specific overrides.

Default Variables

Variable Comments
avi_controller_k8s_namespace Namespace definition
avi_controller_k8s_external_service Ensures the external service exists
avi_controller_k8s_service Ensures the service exists
avi_controller_k8s_statefulset Ensures the statefulset exists
avi_controller_k8s_storage_class Ensures the StorageClass exists


A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.


Please note when resuming a deployment, it is not different than present when making please use deployment_state: present when resuming a suspended deployment.

Example Playbook

Creating a controller cluster

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
    - role: avinetworks.avicontroller_gke
      avi_controller_count: 3
      avi_controller_version: 18.2.3-9063-20190501.224326
      avi_controller_prefix: deployment-address
      avi_gcp_project: my-project
      avi_gcp_region: us-west1
      avi_gcp_auth_kind: serviceaccount
      avi_gcp_service_account_file: ~/service_account_file.json
      avi_namespace: 26abc3b9d1fc4cfc8f42ad86d9606fb9
      avi_controller_disk_size: 64
      avi_controller_container_image: "gcr.io/{{ avi_gcp_project }}/controller:{{ avi_controller_version }}"
      avi_controller_storage_class_name: regionalpd-storageclass-ssd
              - matchExpressions:
                  - key: node_label
                    operator: In
                      - label_value
- hosts: servers
    - role: avinetworks.avicontroller_gke
      avi_controller_count: 3
      avi_controller_version: 18.2.3-9063-20190501.224326
      avi_controller_prefix: deployment-address
      avi_gcp_project: my-project
      avi_gcp_region: us-west1
      avi_gcp_auth_kind: serviceaccount
      avi_gcp_service_account_file: ~/service_account_file.json
      avi_namespace: 26abc3b9d1fc4cfc8f42ad86d9606fb9
      avi_controller_disk_size: 64
      avi_controller_container_image: "gcr.io/{{ avi_gcp_project }}/controller:{{ avi_controller_version }}"
      avi_controller_storage_class_name: regionalpd-storageclass-ssd
        node_label: label_value

Deleting a controller cluster

When you are deleting a controller cluster we check and make sure that you do not have any current VS's or Service engines so that you do not end up with orphaned service engines.

- hosts: servers
    - role: avinetworks.avicontroller_gke
      avi_controller_state: absent
      avi_controller_count: 3
      avi_controller_version: 18.2.3-9063-20190501.224326
      avi_controller_prefix: deployment-address
      avi_gcp_project: my-project
      avi_gcp_region: us-west1
      avi_gcp_auth_kind: serviceaccount
      avi_gcp_service_account_file: ~/service_account_file.json
      avi_namespace: 26abc3b9d1fc4cfc8f42ad86d9606fb9
      avi_controller_disk_size: 64
      avi_controller_container_image: "gcr.io/{{ avi_gcp_project }}/controller:{{ avi_controller_version }}"
      avi_controller_storage_class_name: regionalpd-storageclass-ssd
        node_label: label_value


Apache 2.0

Author Information

Eric Anderson

Avi Networks