
TopCoder Direct

Primary LanguageJava


Setup on VM:

  • Once you get your VM, login into the VM with your private key and account 'direct'
  • Back up token.properties and topcoder_global.properties in /home/direct/direct somewhere
  • Delete the whole directory /home/direct/direct
  • Git Clone the direct-app repo into folder /home/direct/direct.
  • Copy the back up *.properties files back to /home/direct/direct
  • Among the *.properties, update topcoder_global.properties, add line 'direct_service_libdir=${libdir}/tcs/ejb' after tcs_libdir property
  • Make sure JDK7 is used: run
    • export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.7.0_17
    • export PATH=/opt/jdk1.7.0_17/bin:$PATH

Setup on Local env - Refer to http://apps.topcoder.com/wiki/display/docs/TC+Direct+Setup+Guide

  • Instead of using SVN, you will use the codes from this git repo

VM Info:


  • run 'ant deploy'


  • simply run 'ant deploy' to build all the components and the direct and deploy the direct to jboss