
Kotlin library that provides a type-safe DSL for aggregations in Spring Data MongoDB.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


This project is a Kotlin library that provides a type-safe DSL for aggregations in Spring Data MongoDB.

Key Features


  • Spring Data MongoDB 3.4.0 or higher
  • Java 8 or higher
  • Kotlin 1.8 or higher



We do not have a publishing mechanism to a maven repository so the easiest way to add the library to your app is via a JitPack Dependency.

  • build.gradle.kts
repositories {
    maven { setUrl("https://jitpack.io") }

dependencies {


This project provides example module that contains examples of how to use the library. The codes used in the example are all DSL representations of the examples from the official MongoDB documentation. Each aggregation operation is implemented as a separate repository class with MongoTemplate as a dependency.

For example, There is an example of text operation from $search stage in TextSearchRepository.kt

class TextSearchRepository(
    private val mongoTemplate: MongoTemplate,
) {

    data class TitleAndScoreDto(
        val title: String,
        val score: Double,

     * @see <a href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/text/#basic-example">Basic Example</a>
    fun findTitleWithSufer(): AggregationResults<TitleAndScoreDto> {
        val aggregation = aggregation {
            search {
                text {

            project {

        return mongoTemplate.aggregate<Movies, TitleAndScoreDto>(aggregation)

It is equivalent to the following MongoDB query from the official documentation.

        $search: {
            "text": {
                "path": "title",
                "query": "surfer"
        $project: {
            "_id": 0,
            "title": 1,
            score: {$meta: "searchScore"}

Running tests from examples

Each example repository contains a test code that verifies that the query is executed correctly. There are two types of tests: one that requires a MongoDB Community instance and another that requires MongoDB Atlas.

  • MongoDB Community

The repositories that are not under the com.github.inflab.example.spring.data.mongodb.repository.atlas package requires a MongoDB Community instance. To run the MongoDB Community instance, we use Testcontainers. Therefore, you need to install and run Docker on your machine.

  • MongoDB Atlas

The repositories that are under the com.github.inflab.example.spring.data.mongodb.repository.atlas package requires a MongoDB Atlas instance. You need to create a MongoDB Atlas instance and set the connection information in the application.yml file.


you can copy a sample application.yml file from application.sample.yml

      username: "username"
      password: "password"
      host: "host"

You should refer to the following manual to configure sample data as well. Because most example codes are provided based on the sample data. If test codes are using Atlas Search, you also need to create a suitable search index. Please refer to each example documentation for more information.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details