Functions Lab

In this lab you will also explore serverless computing using Oracle Functions. Oracle Functions uses the open-source Fn engine.

This document is meant to be an overview of the entire lab. Throughout, you may be directed to other labs, to run specific sections. It is important that when you finish each major section, you return to this document for the next section.

As you make your way through the tutorials, look out for this icon. Whenever you see it, it's time for you to perform an action.

Section 1 - Setting up a Docker Environment

Section 2 - Verifying your Docker Install

Before we get started with functions we're going to verify that Docker is installed and working. In a terminal, type the following command:

docker --version

If Docker is installed and running, you should see output something like:

Docker version 17.0x.x-ce, build 276fd32

NOTE: Depending on how you've installed Docker you may need to prefix docker commands with sudo in which case you would have to type:

sudo docker --version

Section 3 - Functions

With Docker successfully installed it's time to move on to functions. Functions as a Service (FaaS) platforms provide a way to deploy code to the cloud without having to worry about provisioning or managing any compute infrastructure.

Oracle Functions is a fully managed serverless FaaS platform running in Oracle Cloud. Functions uses open source Fn Project as it's underlying FaaS platform.

Fn Project can run anywhere - on your laptop or in the cloud. With Fn you can develop locally and deploy to the cloud knowing your functions are running on exactly the same underlying platform.

1) Setup Local Development Environment

2) Functions Commands Cheatsheet

3) Your First Function

4) Your Second Function

Section 4 - Open Source Fn

1) Function to Oracle Database

Note: Your lab instructor will share your DB connection details

2) Function to OCI Object Store

Note: Your lab instructor will share the object store bucket details

3) Troubleshooting

TODO - Add DEBUG=1, Common Errors