
A central Hub for all scripts around our new SOE Initiative. We put them on github because we can manage Issues and do Release Planning

Primary LanguageRuby


A central Hub for all scripts around our new SOE Initiative. We put them on github because we can manage Issues and do Release Planning.

The libraries and Jenkins plugins listed below are to support the proposed approach for automating application and JBoss EAP configuration. For further details refer to Configuration Automation document.

Jenkins Plugins

PuppetGen Jenkins Plugin

This Jenkins plugin is a wrapper for Puppet Module Generator library. https://github.com/RedHatEMEA/soe-ng/tree/master/jenkins/puppetgen-jenkins-plugin

Maven Plugins

PuppetGen Jenkins Plugin

This maven plugin is a wrapper for Puppet Module Generator library. https://github.com/RedHatEMEA/soe-ng/tree/master/maven/puppetgen-maven-plugin


AppConfig Schema

This project defines a schema for expressing application config which needs to be applied to JBoss EAP. https://github.com/RedHatEMEA/soe-ng/tree/master/lib/app-config-schema

Example available in Configuration Automation document.

Puppet Module API

A Java API modling Puppet module structure. This API can be used to generate Puppet modules. https://github.com/RedHatEMEA/soe-ng/tree/master/lib/puppet-module-api

Puppet Module Generator

A Puppet module generator library that creates Puppet modules based on a config descriptor as defined in AppConfig Schema. https://github.com/RedHatEMEA/soe-ng/tree/master/lib/puppet-module-generator


Ldap Config

The RH_LDAP-config folder contains scripts and schemas to set up an ldap server to serve as an External Node Classifier in order to produce the etc/facter/facts.d/ENC-CONFIG.txt file that would have key-value pairs for the following:/etc/facter/facts.d/ENC-CONFIG.txt file that would have key-value pairs for the following:

  1. A slapd instance can be created by running the following so that there's access to all the slapd commands, and the client ldapmodify commands in order to add and delete entries from the ldap database.
$ yum -y install openldap-servers openldap-clients
$ yum -y install httpd python-ldap
  1. Create a Database folder with ldap ownership and create a DB_CONFIG file
$ mkdir /var/lib/rh;
$ cp /usr/share/openldap-servers/DB_CONFIG.example /var/lib/rh/DB_CONFIG;
$ chown -R ldap.ldap /var/lib/rh
  1. Edit the slapd.conf and the rh.schema to reflect your configuration and dc (i.e. change dc=mydomain,dc=com to dc=mysubdomain,dc=example,dc=com). Run slappasswd to create a Manager password output and copy it next to rootpw in the slapd.conf. Copy the slapd.conf in /etc/openldap and the rh.schema to the /etc/openldap/schema directory.

  2. Edit the populate_scripts/create_new_entry.sh file to represent the domain changes in the slapd.conf file and run it to create an intial ldif file. Create a test instance with ALL the entries. Change the bottom entry of the data_test/rh-detailed.ldif to the content of the file that you've just created (the location of which will be indicated by the create_new_entry.sh output). Edit the rh-detailed.ldif file further so that the dn of all items represents your domain.

  3. From the data_test directory run the setup.sh script. This should populate the database. Make sure that the ownership of all items in /var/lib/rh and /etc/openldap/slapd.d is ldap.ldap (chown -Rvvv ldap.ldap).

  4. Use slaptest to test the configuration files. Use slapcat -f /etc/openlap/slapd.conf -F /etc/openldap/slapd.d -n 1 to get the output of the ldap database (yes this should work even if the ldap server is not running yet.

  5. Start the slapd daemon and search for your entry:

$ ldapsearch -b ou=machines,dc=yourdomain,dc=com -v  -x -LLL '(cn=shortname)'
  1. Edit the cgi-scripts/gethostdetails.py to reflect your entry and copy it in the /var/www/cgi-bin folder. Start the httpd entry.
  2. Use wget -0 /tmp/hostdetails http://<ldap_server>/cgi-bin/gethostdetails.py?servername=<unique_servername_cn> to test that you get the desired output.


  1. copy the puppet-config folder in /etc/puppet-config
  2. Install puppet
  3. Add your puppet server to the ldap Server above using the create_new_entry.sh script and then adding the ldif file created to the database using ldapmodify (see create new entry output). Make sure that:
  • designatedHostname is lower case and the FQDN
  • cn is the shortname
  • stage is dev/qa/prod
  • serverType is free/web/app/db
  • you can add more than one nics
  • all the other entries exist (you can put N/A next to them)
  1. Create an /etc/facter/facts.d folder and add the generated hostdetails file in there under the name ENC-CONFIG.txt.
  2. Change the /etc/puppet-config/hieradb files to reflect the values you need in your organization
  3. Make sure that if you need any network/iptables configurations changed that you have console access to the Machine
  4. run puppet apply --config /etc/puppet-config/puppet.conf /etc/puppet-config/manifests/site.pp --noop to see what will change
  5. If you are not happy with what will change edit the /etc/puppet-config/manifests/site.pp to your satisfaction
  6. Test again and when you are happy, apply all changes
$ puppet apply --config /etc/puppet-config/puppet.conf /etc/puppet-config/manifests/site.pp