
A WIP DNS Server.

Built with

  • Ruby 2.5.1
  • Ruby on Rails v5.2.1
  • SQLite v3.24.0

Features implemented

  • Basic CRUD API for zones & records. I used rails g scaffold ... for the views & controllers, as CRUD was the least interesting piece of this exercise
  • Zones have validations for domain names as they are described in RFC 1034 Section 3.1
    • An empty string is considered a valid domain name.
  • Records have validations for names, record types, record classes, and rdata,
    • :name is joined with the parent zone name before being validated
    • :record type validation currently covers A, CNAME, and unknown types. I did not


$ bundle
$ bin/rails db:migrate
$ bin/rails test


  • The interesting parts of this code are really the model validations, the validators in test/validators, and the validator tests in test/validators.