
Template for `yarn create redwood-app`

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


👉 "This is not the Repo you are looking for" ...most likely. If your goal is to start building an app using RedwoodJS, you'll want to read through the Tutorial and get started from the command line: $ yarn create redwood-app <directory-name>

This repo is a template used by the RedwoodJS app bootstrap package 'Create Redwood App', which is located at redwood/packages/create-redwood-app/. If you're looking to do things like contributing to RedwoodJS development or reference Redwood's full-stack building blocks, then you're in the right place!🌲🎉


To ensure yarn.lock is in sync with latest @redwoodjs packages, follow these steps:

  1. confirm your local branch is up to date with main, then run git clean -fxd
  2. update root, web/, and api/ package.json to latest @redwoodjs package version
  3. run yarn
  4. Commit all changes including yarn.lock
  5. Create new release

Development: Getting Started

Before you begin, please read the RedwoodJS Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct

Most likely, you'll need to set up a development environment linked to packages from a local clone of redwoodjs/redwood/packages. This doc will help get you started: Contributing to RedwoodJS


We use Yarn as our package manager:

yarn install

RedwoodJS uses yarn workspaces to separately manage web/ and api/. All commands are configured to run from the root directory unless otherwise indicated.

Running the Local Server(s)

You can run both the API and Web servers with a single command:

yarn redwood dev

The web browser opens automatically when you run rw dev. To disable this, edit your settings in redwood.toml. Set [browser] open = true to false.

You can run the servers for each of the yarn workspaces independently:

yarn rw dev api
yarn rw dev web

Web Server: http://localhost:8910 Lambda functions: http://localhost:8911 Lambda proxy: http://localhost:8910/api/functions/*.


RedwoodJS uses Prisma2, a modern DB toolkit to query, migrate and model your database.

Prisma2 is not ready for production at the moment.

To create a development database:

yarn redwood db up

This will read the schema definition in api/prisma/schema.prisma and generate a sqlite database in api/prisma/dev.db

If you've made changes to the schema run yarn redwood db save to generate a migration, and yarn redwood db up to apply the migration/ generate a new ORM client.


Redwood is amazing thanks to a wonderful community of contributors.