
Inspired by my love for animes, I decided to build this small anime site. Its built with Vanilla JavaScript and Vanilla CSS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hello there developer. Thank you for taking your time to pass by my project.

About this project

This is a simple Animes website. After learning about external APIs and fetch method in JavaScript, I decided to test my understanding by building this simple Animes website. I used external API from Rapid API. Check the live demo here

WhatsApp Image 2022-12-12 at 02 46 26 (1) WhatsApp Image 2022-12-12 at 02 46 26

So you might not be familliar with fetch method, and you are wondering what the heck is fetch. Fetch() is a JavaScript method used to request data from a server. If you want to read about fetch, you can check out this link that I used to learn about fetch.

Apart from implementing the fetch method, I implemented some other client-side functionalities such as:

  • Search - this enables users to search for any anime that they want
  • Sort - enables users to sort animes data in order (A-Z) or according to animes gernes.
  • Viewing all animes - this website first loads part of the data, so they will only be viewing few animes at first. User can click "view all" button to view all animes.
  • Dark theme - enables users to switch between dark and light mode by clicking mode-toogler button
  • Responsiveness - This website is responsive to all devices. You can read about responsiveness here

Tools and Technologies Used in This Project

I used vannila JavaScript and vannila CSS in this project. This means I didnt use any framework. If you are interested in learning about JavaScript or CSS, I can provide links to various resources have used.

Contributing To This Project

If you want to contribute to my project, then you are welcomed. You can follow these simple steps:

  • Fork this project to your github account
  • Run it in your IDE.
  • Work on any changes that you want to
  • Push the changes to your github, and then create a pull request
  • I will review the changes and then merge them


Thats it for this project. If you want us to collaborate in any project, you can reach out to me, am always available. Thank you!