Record a timelapse and live preview image with sensor data from a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor.
The @alexellisuk growlab preview
Inspired by the Alex Ellis application
- You'll need a Raspberry Pi Zero W or any other Raspberry Pi.
- An RPi camera connected - any version
- Taking pictures at regular intervals
- Storage of photos for creation of a timelapse
- Publish the last picture on a github page
Using raspi-config
- Enable i2c under interfacing options
- Change the password for the
Install git :
sudo apt update -qy && \
sudo apt install -qy git\
python3 \
python3-pip \
python3-picamera2 \
python3-tz \
python3-smbus \
Install the project
# clone project
git clone
Install Python modules with pip3
# DEPRECATED : use apt install python3-XXX
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Capture a test image to determine if you need a horizontal or vertical flip or not:
# On the RPi
libcamera-still -o test.jpg
Edit the config.json
(flip if needed, preview repository path ..)
Test the code:
Configure GitHub pages in your own repo
Set the folder for serving content to "root"
sudo cp ~/growlab-project/growlab-project.service /etc/systemd/system/growlab-project.service
sudo systemctl enable growlab-project.service
sudo systemctl start growlab-project.service
Some pictures of my growlab installation.
- Reclaimed wood
- Raspberry pi V2 with Wifi USB Stick
- PI Camera
- On/Off Button for shutdown the PI without opening an ssh session
The wood structure
The growlab