
A truffle tutorial starter kit

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Truffle Basics Tutorial

A truffle tutorial by Ali Mousa and Collin Chin


  • Ethereum Client (original uses testrpc) v3.0.3
  • TestRPC(Optional, but helpful for local tests)
  • Truffle v3.1.2
  • Npm 4.3.0 / Nodejs v6.10.0


When you have a contract you are happy with you can follow these steps to deploy.

For this example, we will assume you are running a TestRPC network on your local machine. For deployment on other networks, change the settings in truffle.js.

  1. First, cd into your project directory. If you are following this tutorial, make sure you are in the truffletest folder
  2. Now, run truffle compile to compile your contract. Here, truffle will either successfully compile or give you some errors that need correcting. This is what successful compilation looks like for our project:
Compiling ./contracts/ConvertLib.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Greeter.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/MetaCoin.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Migrations.sol...
Writing artifacts to ./build/contracts
  1. Next, we want to put our contract on the network to be mined. Call truffle migrate to migrate the contracts to the address specified in truffle.js. In our project, this is localhost:8548. This step will return the following upon success:
Using network 'development'.

Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
  Deploying Migrations...
  Migrations: 0x523d5b8fa3ff5946b8c0802a5c8520b1be0346e3
Saving successful migration to network...
Saving artifacts...
Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js
  Deploying ConvertLib...
  ConvertLib: 0x33ced344ba01047eef8a9b6393a754fbd8259cf5
  Linking ConvertLib to MetaCoin
  Deploying MetaCoin...
  MetaCoin: 0x7743b55487e04751a384c39bd7cefc05a20222c8
  Deploying greeter...
  greeter: 0xaa5a2306dcea9157f30ab4d9ce4317619f604763
Saving successful migration to network...
Saving artifacts...
  1. We can call functions from our contract using truffle console. This command should enter you into a console that will look like this: truffle(development)>
  2. From here, we access our contract by saving the contract to a variable: var greeter = greeter.at("0xaa5a2306dcea9157f30ab4d9ce4317619f604763");
  3. Finally, call the method on the greeter contract that we want greeter.greet(). NOTE: For transactions, you would want to read more on this page.


If there are any changes you'd like to suggest or issues you are having, reach out to me at alimousa@berkeley.edu