
Automatic tests repository

Primary LanguageVim ScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Automatic tests repository

To run Rudder Test Framework, first prepare the needed tools:

Run the desired test platform:

  • ./rtf platform setup debian

Run a test scenario:

  • ./rtf scenario run debian base

rtf documentation

    ./rtf --help
    Rudder test framework
        rtf platform list
        rtf platform status <platform>
        rtf platform setup <platform> [<version>]
        rtf platform destroy <platform>
        rtf platform update-rudder <platform> <version>
        rtf platform update-os <platform> <version>
        rtf host list <platform>
        rtf host update-rudder <host> <version>
        rtf host update-os <host> <version>
        rtf scenario list
        rtf scenario run <platform> <scenario> [--no-finally] [--filter=<test1>,<test2>,...] [--format=<format>]
        --no-finally       Do not run tests tagged FINALLY in the scenario, to avoid coming back to initial state
        --filter=...       Only run provided test list from scenario
        --format=<format>  Output format to use (progress, documentation, html or json) [Default: documentation]

Writing tests

Tests are in spec/tests/

Just copy an existing test, and it can be used.

  • Tests are serverspec files. They use a common code that can be found in spec/spec_helper.rb.
  • Test parameters are provided vira environment_variables. Environment variables named RUDDER_* are already parsed into a global array named $params
  • Tests consist of examples that are executed in order and their result is checked using rspec syntax
  • Examples should be ressource types from serverspec: http://serverspec.org/resource_types.html
  • Access to rudder api is provided by a prepared command line in the variable $rcli (equivalent to calling ./rudder-cli in rudder-api-client)
  • Tests should use parameters to not be specific to a scenario

Writing a scenario

Scenarii are in scenario/

A scenario is a list of commands to run tests in order with parameters.

A typical scenario: from scenario.lib import * start() run('hostname', 'test', Err.CONTINUE, PARAM=value) ... finish()

  • Scenarii are python modules
  • A global variable called scenario contains all necessary informations to run the scenario
  • Some functions are available to help running tests, they are in scenario/lib.py
  • Each tests has an error mode that tells what to do in case of error
    • CONTINUE: continue testing even if this fail, should ne the default
    • BREAK: stop the scenario if this fail, for tests that change a state
    • FINALLY: always run this test, for leaning after a scenario, broken or not
  • You can include a scenario from another one, just call import scenario.subscenario within your scenario
  • Some methods are provided to iterate a test over current platform nodes

Adding a platform or an OS

OS are based on atlas vagrant boxes https://atlas.hashicorp.com/boxes/search?vagrantcloud=1 To add a new box, just add a varianble in the existing list in vagrant.rb

Platforms are in platforms/

  • Platforms are a list of vm with a configuration that are related in a scenario.
  • Platforms are described in json format
  • A scenario may have some dependency on a platform content such as host types and names
  • The "default" entry in inherited by all other entries
  • Each entry is a node name
  • A node name should be "server" or "agentX", this is an assumption in some scenario and in the cleanbox initialization script
  • "rudder-setup" describe the type of setup, currently only "agent" and "server" are supported
  • "system" is one of the variable of known boxes from vagrant.rb
  • "osname" is a substring of the OS name that is discovered by fusion (this is used by the fusion test)

Adding a new host format

Everything on host is done through the Host class in rtf.

The only Host class is currently Vagrant. To implement the support of a new format you should create a new class implementing the same methods as Vagrant and deplare it in the host_types variable.