
Live demo at:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Scotch.io - Pomodoro Timer Challenge

Link to the challenge

Preview of the application

What I've used

  • hyperHTML by Andrea Giammarchi - My favorite view library, it's fun, intuitive, very efficient and respect standard.
  • Fuse-Box - My favorite module bundler. Think of it as the simplicty and speed of Parcel with the customizability and features of Webpack. What I really like is the integrated Task Runner.
  • WorkBox by Google - PWA made easy by Google
  • FlatIcon - For the icon
  • FaviconGenerator - For the icons generation

What I added

I set myself an extra challenge to make it a 100/100 PWA. Thanks to WorkBox and some proper meta tags it's mission accomplished! See the results from the Google Chrome Lighthouse Audit:

PWA Score

Complementary information

If you want to install the app you'll have to:

  • Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/alexandre-mouton-brady/pomodoro/
  • Run npm install or yarn to get all the dependencies
  • Change the base url in the following files:
    • public/manifest.webmanifest (for the icons and start_url)
    • src/index.html (for the manifest, icon and service worker registration)
    • /fuse.js (for the WebIndexPlugin path)
  • Run npm run dev or yarn dev for development
  • Run npm run build or yarn build for building