
R package for image manipulation (resize, crop, format conversion, rotation) and animation creation

Primary LanguageR


R package for image manipulation (resize, crop, conversion) and animation


You must install ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick for imagine to work




##Usage There is only one function in the package and you can complete most tasks in one line

###Animation using an alias

imagine("pic*.png", "pic.gif", list(operation="animation", delay=50))

###Animation with a vector files

imagine(c("pic1.png", "pic2.png", "pic20.png"), "pic.gif", list(operation="animation", delay=50))

###Image format conversiom

imagine("Rlogo.png", "Rlogo.jpg")

###Crop an image

imagine("large_picture.bmp", "cropped_pic.jpg", list(operation="crop", crop.offset=c(50, 150), crop.gravity="NorthEast"))

###Resize an image

imagine("large_picture.bmp", "resize_pic.png", list(operation="resize", with="200", ratio=0.8))
#could have used height as well, but ratio will keep the image proportion

###Rotate an image

imagine("Rlogo.png", "rotated_Rlogo.bmp", list(operation="flip", rotation=90))


* Draw an image using MVG
* Convert a SVG to any other format (from a an SVG file or inline)
* Modify an SVG file and save the result
* Introduce a new function to print the resulting file after any manipulation