This website allows a user to select their pizza type: including size, toppings. Once selected it will return their pizza order and the total cost of their selection based on which combination they chose.

Describe: (PizzaParty)

Test: It should return a PizzaParty object with the properties of toppings, and size. Code: console.log(PizzaParty) Expected Output: PizzaParty(toppings, size) { this.toppings = toppings; this.size = size; this.cost = 0; }

Describe: (sizeCost)

Test: It should return the price of a small pizza when selected. Code: console.log(this.cost) Input: User selects: small Expected Output: 10

Test: It should return the price of a medium pizza when selected. Code: console.log(this.cost) Input: User selects: medium Expected Output: 15

Test: It should return the price of a large pizza when selected. Code: console.log(this.cost) Input: User selects: large Expected Output: 20


Pizza Party

By Adrienne Matosich

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • JavaScript

Setup/Installation Requirements

Open by downloading:

Download the repository onto your computer Drag and drop index.html into your web browser from gh-pages:

Open with Bash/GitBash:

Open your bash terminal Use git clone, copy and paste github URL using clone or Download green button: Navigate into the 'My-Portfolio' directory using cd My-Portfolio Open in Visual Studio code using 'code .' command Open index.html in Chrome or preferred browser: 'open index.html

Known Bugs

Unable to return cost value with submit button.

License: MIT

Support and Contact Details:

For questions or concerns please contact Adrienne Matosich at

Copyright (c) 2022 Adrienne Matosich