

  • analysis/ contains the R markdown files used to generated the reports and the website.
  • code/ contains the R code.
  • container/ contains the singularity container.
  • docs/ contains the generated HTML files.
  • guix/ contains the manifest and channel description to create the container.
  • scripts/ contains the container start scripts.


GUIX and Singularity have to be installed on the system you want to use to create the container.

# on a Debian GNU/Linux
sudo apt install singularity-container make rsync

# newer Debian versions may support installation of guix via apt
cd /tmp && \
    wget && \
    chmod +x && \
    sudo ./ && guix pull

This is a workflowr project. After creating the singularity container it was created by:

(You can skip this if you downloaded/clone this repository.)

singularity exec container/ampel-leipzig-meld.sif \
    R -e 'library("workflowr"); wflow_start(".", existing = TRUE)'



  • Linux cluster
  • slurm (version 21.08.x)
  • singularity (tested with version 3.4.2)
  • ssh access.


The login node in _targets.R (here brain) has to match an entry in ~/.ssh_config or be configured manually.

login <- future::tweak(
    workers = "brain",

The partitions/ncpu/mcpu settings have to be changed in the _target.R.

slurm <- future::tweak(
    template = "scripts/slurm_batchtools.tmpl",
    workers = 16L,
    resources = list(
        partition = "batch,compute,snowball",
        ncpu = 64, # 72, 64
        mcpu = 2L * 1024L, # 2L
        walltime = 24L * 60L * 60L # seconds

The scripts/ has to be adopted to the cluster's module system and singularity version. Maybe the scripts/slurm_batchtools.tmpl has to be modified as well.