
Content-addressable Azure Data Lake block store

Primary LanguageClojureOtherNOASSERTION



This library implements a content-addressable block store backed by an Azure Data Lake storage account.


Library releases are published on Clojars. To use the latest version with Leiningen, add the following dependency to your project definition:

Clojars Project


The blocks.store.adl namespaces provides the adl-block-store constructor. This accepts the fully-qualified hostname of the datalake store and an optional root path for the block store.

The record created eventually expects a token-provider which is a AccessTokenProvider from the datalake oauth2 library. The example uses client credentials from an AD service principal, but other methods are possible, like using a refresh token or user password.

The principal needs full authorization for the datalake store's path starting from the given root.

See the Datalake ACL Docs for more information about how this authorization works.

=> (require '[blocks.core :as block]
            '[blocks.store.adl :refer [adl-block-store]])
=> (import (com.microsoft.azure.datalake.store.oauth2

; Create the token provider. This example uses client credentials via the oauth2 token endpoint.
; This token provider will fetch access tokens as needed for the store. If a token has expired
; it will fetch a new one with the given credentials.
=> (def token-endpoint "https://login.microsoftonline.com/c6b6362b-b1d3-4bbe-bda9-2be62711f5e4/oauth2/token")
=> (def token-provider (ClientCredsTokenProvider. token-endpoint "theclientid" "theclientsecret"))

; Create the block store backed by the  datalake (ADL) store "mystore" under the root "/example/blocks".
=> (def store' (adl-block-store "mystore.azuredatalakestore.net"
                 :root "/example/blocks"
                 :token-provider token-provider))
=> (require '[com.stuartsierra.component :as component])
; Start the store, which will fetch an access token and check the store status.
=> (def store (component/start store'))
INFO blocks.store.adl - Connecting Azure Data Lake client to mystore.azuredatalakestore.net
DEBUG com.microsoft.azure.datalake.store.oauth2.ClientCredsTokenProvider - AADToken: refreshing client-credential based token
DEBUG com.microsoft.azure.datalake.store.oauth2.AzureADAuthenticator - AADToken: fetched token with expiry Fri Nov 17 12:10:01 PST 2017
INFO blocks.store.adl - Store contains 0.0 MB in 0 blocks

=> (block/list store {})

=> (def b1 (block/read! "abcd" :sha2-512))
=> (def b2 (block/read! "1234" :sha1))
=> (count (block/put-batch! store [b1 b2]))
=> (def b2-id (-> (block/list store {:algorithm :sha1}) first :id))
=> (= (:id b2) b2-id)

=> (block/get store b2-id)
Block[hash:sha1:7110eda4d09e062aa5e4a390b0a572ac0d2c0220 4 ~]

; Like other persistent remote block stores, the block returned is lazy
; it must be opened to read content which will stream from ADL.
=> (def b2' *1)
=> (block/lazy? b2')
=> (= b2 b2')
=> (slurp (block/open b2'))


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