
SVG glyph and path data renderers for wxWidgets

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


C++ library for rendering SVG paths and glyphs

Build Status

The library provides wxWidgets controls and methods for rendering svg path data and svg fonts (WebFonts sush as "Font Awesome"). Supports wxGraphicsContext, Cairo and Direct2D backends. Temporary arcTo path element not implemented. The library also provided wxWidgets control and path viewer application based on this widget.

svgpathviewer svgglyphviwer


  • wxWidgets (viewers and controls)
  • Catch (tests) - optional
  • Cairo (cairo rendering backend) - optional


Creating control for showing svg font glyph:

#include <svgglyphctrl.h>
#include <svgfont.h>

// somewhere in UI-related code
SvgFont font(L"font.svg");
SvgGlyphCtrl *glyphCtrl = new SvgGlyphCtrl(parent, wxID_ANY, font.GetGlyph(0xf000),
    fontSize, wxALIGN_CENTER);

Generating wxBitmap from svg font glyph:

#include <wxcontext.h>
#include <svgfont.h>

SvgFont font(L"font.svg");
wxBitmap bitmap = GetBitmapForGlyph(font.GetGlyph(0xf020), fontSize, fontColor, bgColor);



mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

If you have a custom wxWidgets build pass -DwxWidgets_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE=<path to wx-config>

Windows (Visual Studio)

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DwxWidgets_ROOT_DIR=<path to wxWidgets> ..

You can pass wxWidgets_LIB_DIR instead of wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR if it is not working

CMake Options

-DTESTS=1/0 for enable or disable tests from build. Execute wget -P tests https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2/releases/download/v2.0.1/catch.hpp in source root directory for fetching dependency (Catch 1.2.1)

-DVIEWERS=1/0 for enable or disable viewers from build

-DSAMPLES=1/0 for enable or disable samples from build