
local caching server for git when the actual server is on the other side of a (possibly slow) WAN link

Primary LanguagePerl

local caching server for git

This is a very simple caching server to mitigate bandwidth issues when you have many users on a local network and they all need to clone/fetch the same set of large remote repos over a (slow) WAN link. The more such users you have, the more bandwidth this saves.

Both authenticated (ssh://) and unauthenticated (git://) modes are available, but pushes are NOT supported.

By default, every local fetch triggers an upstream fetch. If you'd rather do that from cron instead, you can set lazy mode; see below.

instructions common to both modes

  • create a userid (say 'gp' on 'gp-server') for this.

  • copy all the scripts to that user's $HOME/bin directory.

  • for each repo to be cached, run a clone command, like this:

    $HOME/bin/gitpod clone git://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite gitolite

instructions for authenticated mode

  • set the 'gitpod' program as the 'gp' user's login shell, using the full path (like /home/gp/bin/gitpod). The command to do this is 'chsh' on Fedora. Your OS/distro may vary.

    Note: After this, you must run something like su - gp -s /bin/bash from root if you need a shell.

  • provide access to this id to your users (it's upto you whether you ask people for pubkeys or just give everyone the password).

extra commands available to authenticated mode

Authenticated users can run the following commands:

  • clone a new repo:

    ssh gp@gp-server clone URL reponame
  • force an upstream fetch (useful if you've set lazy mode and can't wait for the next cron run):

    ssh gp@gp-server fetch reponame

instructions for unauthenticated mode

  • run git-daemon like the example below.

    $HOME/bin/git-daemon --verbose --export-all --reuseaddr --base-path=$HOME

    This is the only git-daemon variant I have tested; I have no idea if other modes will work, especially inetd mode. YMMV. If you make it work, send me a patch for this document.

lazy mode

If you don't like the default behaviour of checking upstream on every local fetch, create/edit a file called ~/.gitpod.rc and add this line to it:

LAZY = all

You can then setup cron jobs to fetch repos at whatever interval/time you want. The command you need to put in cron is

$HOME/bin/gitpod fetch reponame

The shell script called lazy can be customised and made as complex as you want, to cater to different "freshness" needs for different repos.

implementation and alternatives

Most of this code, and especially all the shenanigans with GIT_EXEC_PATH and so on, would not be needed if:

  • git-shell had some way to disable pushes
  • git allowed you to supply a 'pre-upload' hook

Even now, if git-daemon is sufficient for your needs, and you are ok with cron-based updates, you don't really need this software. Just clone using '--mirror', and use a shell script called from cron to update all the repos every night.

Personally, I don't like unauthenticated protocols like git-daemon. Plus git-daemon is only "one per machine", not "one per user".

why can't this feature be rolled into gitolite?

Gitolite can already do this, but gitolite will usually host much more "company critical" data, so having a separate server for caching allows you to relax the rules for it (firewall, connectivity, who can access, etc.).

But if you want to do it in gitolite, here's how:

  • clone the repos manually (don't forget the '--mirror')
  • then add them to the config file. Give people read-only permissions
  • add a 'gl-pre-git' hook that runs a 'git fetch' if 'git config --get remote.origin.mirror' exists. You can also use the 'lazy' script here if you wish

the name

The word 'cache' is already reserved in git. 'proxy' is a bit better but not much (see 'man git-config').

I wanted something short and simple that connotes 'squid'. 'pod' is short for 'cephalopod'. You can also think of pod in the normal meaning -- something containing several seeds.