
An issue driven repo open for sharing, discussing and collaborating conference / speaking opportunities

Opportunities and Collaboration for Speaking at Conferences (F# Topics)

An issue driven repo open for sharing, discussing and collaborating conference / speaking opportunities for F# topics.

How it works

  • You know a conference or speaking opportunity that can be used to do an F# talk
  • You'll talk somewhere? Write it here!
  • Open a new issue for that concrete conference with name and date
  • Comment on an issue, share ideas, collaborate with others


The repo has an exploratory character. Whether it is useful remains to be seen. One conceivable goal would be concerted actions to bring F# closer to interested people. These don't necessarily have to be developer conferences. They could be specialist conferences with an IT focus, at which, for example, success stories or interesting F# applications in the specialist domain are explained.

Need Support?

You think about talking at a conference and would like to test it and have a review? Reach out to us!


Feel free to develop thoughts and ideas around that and post it here (as issue or as PR).